Backup current config on CBUS and Wiser 2 system

Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by hungchieu, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. hungchieu


    Jan 27, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hi all,
    Is it possible to backup current config (project) of my CBUS and Wiser 2 system? The people who install this to the house is no longer in business and I can't get it touch at all, and there are some mistakes on the project (eg: missing sensor enable/disable, wrong labels on eDLT, etc).
    Could you please tell me what I need, which interface I should use? I'm happy to pay for those instructions and equipments if needed.
    I'm located in Melbourne, the west side near highpoint shopping center.
    Thank you.
    hungchieu, Mar 13, 2024
  2. hungchieu


    Dec 1, 2005
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    Adelaide, Australia
    Unfortunately neither the Cbus or Wiser configuration files are stored in any of the units. The colour touch screen is the only unit that does this. It is possible to recreate the cbus config file by scanning the network via the wiser using the free toolkit application, but this will only give you numbers and you will have to manually figure out what circuit they apply to and assign meaningful names to them. It's a bit tedious but certainly possible. An experienced installer could to it a lot quicker for you. As for the Wiser you would have to recreate the project from scratch using the free PICED software. Creating the pages is not difficult, but the Wiser can also contain program logic to perform special functions and this is a whole lot more work.
    Ashley, Mar 14, 2024
  3. hungchieu


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Wiser 2 does contain all the C-Bus project and Piced project information that you need.
    I Checked with a PC that had no Toolkit or Piced on it, installing new software and starting from blank.
    Ensure you install Toolkit First followed by Piced
    Open Piced and select the
    Transfer project from unit button hit Next
    Select Wiser 2 Hit Next
    Use the Auto search to find the Wiser 2 (ensure your PC is on the same Network)
    Select your Wiser 2 ensure that the retrieve project from wiser is ticked and you know where it being saved,
    you may need to add a folder or 2 just for good house keeping
    e.g. C:\Clipsal\PICED\Projects\Home
    Press the Start Button followed by Next after confirming the file location.
    Next you will be asked about the C-Bus project tick the box to Copy C-Bus project press Next
    If asked about upgrading project just agree with it, (this bit may be a little messy if the original project is very old lets not worry about that at the moment).
    ZigBee project just hit Next
    Press Finish
    Hopefully you will be presented with a Project.ctd open it and all being well you will have what you want.
    Suggest saving the project with a new name
    Go to save as
    Go up one folder so you are in the Projects folder
    Create a folder (look at icons to right)
    Change the * on the file name to what you are going to call the project. (I keep mine the same name as the folder name typically)

    Check Toolkit that you have the Toolkit project that you have a project.
    Good luck
    Wonkey, Mar 15, 2024
    Ashley likes this.
  4. hungchieu


    Dec 1, 2005
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    Adelaide, Australia
    You are quite right. It does work on Wisers. Must be old age creeping in :)
    Ashley, Mar 15, 2024
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