C-Bus Forums

    1. Announcements


      Category for notifying users of forum, C-Bus and Clipsal related information
      Latest: Welcome to the upgraded C-Bus Forums Charlie Crackle, Nov 14, 2017
    2. General Discussion

      General Discussion

      Discussion, questions, help with C-Bus topics not covered by the other forums. Please post software-related queries in their designated forum.
      Latest: Saturn Key pad supply issues eha002, Friday at 3:49 AM
    3. Selling / Wanted C-Bus Equipment

      Selling / Wanted C-Bus Equipment

      This section is for listing non-commercial C-Bus equipment for sale, or posting wanted ads for C-Bus hardware.
      Latest: WTB - classic style switches Trevor, Wednesday at 10:16 PM
    4. Resource Discussion

      Resource Discussion

      Discussion threads linked to each of the articles in our resources section.
      Latest: C-Gate Common Commands speedmeup, Jul 15, 2022
    1. C-Bus Wired Hardware

      C-Bus Wired Hardware

      Discussion and help on C-Bus Wired products and hardware not covered by the other forums.
    2. C-Bus Wireless Hardware

      C-Bus Wireless Hardware

      Discussion of the C-Bus Wireless hardware (retrofit wall switches and plug adapters)
      Latest: Programming second hand wireless plugs Ashley, Jan 19, 2025
    3. C-Bus Automation Controllers

      C-Bus Automation Controllers

      Forum for the C-Bus Automation Controllers under the Clipsal brand (5500NAC, 5500SHAC) and the Schneider Electric brand(LSS5500NAC, LSS5500SHAC). Also post Lua logic code examples here.
      Latest: Lua Redirect() Function with AC2 noyzey, Today at 7:27 AM
    4. C-Bus Wiser 2 Controller

      C-Bus Wiser 2 Controller

      Discussion of the C-Bus Wiser 2 hardware, web interface and mobile applications.
      Latest: Wiser 2 - Firmware 1.33.1 login issues rktdno, Thursday at 12:22 PM
    5. C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller

      C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller

      Discussion of the C-Bus Wiser v1 hardware, web interface, iPhone application and other related software.
      Latest: Can't transfer project to Wiser 1 wilma288, Dec 13, 2024
    6. C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software

      C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software

      Discuss the C-Bus Toolkit software and basic C-Gate functionality. For advanced C-Gate topics see the 'C-Gate Developers' forum.
      Latest: Replace old dimmer with 5508D1D - WHAT SOFTWARE to use UK Household Automation, Today at 11:56 AM
    7. C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software

      C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software

      Discussion, questions, help with the C-Touch hardware, C-Touch Configuration Software, PICED, HomeGate and Schedule Plus software.
      Latest: how to restet password on 5000CT TsgtMaddog, Today at 9:39 AM
    8. C-Bus OPC Server Software

      C-Bus OPC Server Software

      Discuss the C-Bus OPC Server software and its integration with other commercial building control applications.
      Latest: C-Bus OPC Server 1.5.0 released daniel, Jun 19, 2017
    9. Multi-Room Audio (MRA) and MARPA

      Multi-Room Audio (MRA) and MARPA

      Discuss the C-Bus Multi-Room Audio hardware range and the MARPA software used to configure it.
      Latest: Deceased MRA Matrix Switcher - Options? bmerrick, Dec 5, 2021
    10. Infrared (NIRT, IR Reader) and CIRCA

      Infrared (NIRT, IR Reader) and CIRCA

      Discuss the NIRT and IR Reader hardware and the CIRCA software used to configure it.
      Latest: Push Controls IR Trigger of Group Addresses Robbo_VIC, Jul 5, 2019
    11. Telephone Interface (CBTI) and TICA

      Telephone Interface (CBTI) and TICA

      Discuss the C-Bus Telephone Interface (CBTI) and the TICA software used to configure it.
      Latest: Tica 3.2.0 ashleigh, Jun 26, 2012
    12. Technical Support Application Notes (Read Only)

      Technical Support Application Notes (Read Only)

      Various Application Notes created by Technical Support & Training department.
    13. Pascal Logic Code Examples

      Pascal Logic Code Examples

      A place to share Pascal logic code. All code in this forum is to be used at your own risk.
      Latest: need to loop through random group addresses Trevor, Nov 6, 2024
    1. Voice Control

      Voice Control

      Forum category relating to voice control integration (i.e. Alexa, Google Home, etc...).
    2. C-Bus Serial Protocols

      C-Bus Serial Protocols

      Discuss the publicly available C-Bus serial protocols. This is the place for C-Bus Enabled partners and third-party developers to discuss C-Bus integration.
    3. C-Gate Developers

      C-Gate Developers

      Discuss the C-Gate command and event interface to integrate with third-party products, and the deployment of C-Gate on non-Windows platforms.
      Latest: is there a CGateweb docker image? (linux) zei20t, May 4, 2022
    4. Third-Party Solutions

      Third-Party Solutions

      Discuss third-party products that integrate with C-Bus or C-Gate. Posts must be informative and relevant to C-Bus users. Excessive advertising or spam will be removed.
    1. DALI Software

      DALI Software

      DALIcontrol software including DCBM Monitor, DCBM Wizard, DCBM Reporter and DALIBuildings
      Latest: 5502CDGP230 Dali Fitting issues. ashleigh, Jul 7, 2024
    2. Push Controls

      Push Controls

      Discussion relating to Push Controls by Schneider Electric.
      Latest: Push Controls Project Editor oracle, Oct 18, 2023
    3. Homesafe & Security Access & Control

      Homesafe & Security Access & Control

      Discussion on the Homesafe Product and general discussion on Security Access and Control.
      Latest: Minder Help coppo, Jan 10, 2024
    4. Energy Management

      Energy Management

      Discussion on Energy Management
      Latest: Wiser Link Firmware kialeigh, Oct 7, 2021
    5. Standard Products

      Standard Products

      Discussion of non C-Bus products. Normal dimmers, smoke detectors, switch multipliers, fan controls etc...
      Latest: Light controls Ashley, May 13, 2022