C-Bus Toolkit sports a neat little Unit Ping Feature. The Unit Ping Feature allows you to a "roll call" of units on the Network. If you've rearranged your power supplies, or cabling or your concerned you've disturbed your Network you can ping your units to validate that the units are still present on the Network.
You need to have already scanned your Network before using the Ping Feature. Unit Ping is invoked by pressing the Ping button:
You'll see this dialog appear:
Press the ping button to send Just One Ping out to the Network, each unit will be pinged and the results would appear something like the following:
As you can see, that cable I tripped over in the roof-space was once connected to a 2 Key Unit that has not answered its ping.
Additionally, units that have been added since the last Network scan will also show their presence on the Ping results, as you can see below a new unit has been detected at Unit Address 7.
A great little feature that gives you some confidence that everything is presented and accounted for after moves, accidents, or changes.