I have a 4-20ma sensor that measures a TANK level 4ma - Empty 9.3ma is Full I am trying to get my head around the Channel Operation mode. I want 4 group addresses to come ON and OFF at different levels. I was going to do in PAC but I thought I could do here as well. If I am wrong please let me know. I assume I need event mode but not single load or Bank Switch ? Why does Single Load turn on Bankswitch ?? when selected ? One of the other annoying things is that you cannot see the current "Current" level in the circuit (great for commissioning) Could I add to the WISH list to get the Current flowing in the "Show Current Level" since you need to set Channel Op Mode in Milli Amps and not the unit that you are Scaling to.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [ATTACH=full]3127[/ATTACH]