4ch Dimmer - losing power communication

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by 2SC, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. 2SC


    Oct 10, 2006
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    Athens, Greece
    With the opportunity of this post I would like to wish all the best for all members of our C-bus community.

    in a 7years old installation a dimmer unit is not working properly - probably came the time to be replaced...:eek:

    I will try to describe the problem:
    The 4ch dimmer unit is probably the most used unit of this installation since it operates the sitting room lights.
    the last 10 days, every 10-15 minutes the unit loses the power and C-Bus indication lights while the channel indication lights remain ON. after couple seconds (4-10) the channel indication lights goes OFF, the 2 indications lights become ON again and the lights in those circuits goes off after 5 seconds since the restore option in disabled.

    Since, there is no problem with the power supply - the channel indication lights remain ON while the 2 indication lights goes OFF, I believe that there is a internal fault in the unit.

    PS1: The time between 2 looses of power was 10-15 minutes in the begging and as the days passes the time is shorter to 3-5 minutes yesterday.
    PS2: After I enabled the restore option the lights does not goes off, ie the unit "understand" that it is loosing power supply.

    Any ideas except of buying a new unit??:p
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2013
    2SC, Jan 9, 2013
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