[quote="Aaron, post: 31879"] I searched for the following in the logic help file "Use the GetIBSystemIO function - check out the help for details." found GetIntIBSystemIO would I use something like GetIntIBSystemIO("Measurement App [COLOR="Red"]Real[/COLOR] Value", 254, 103, 1)[/QUOTE] The easiest way to get this right is as follows: 1. In the logic editor, right click and select System IO / Get IB System IO 2. Select Measurement App Real Value 3. Select the channel 4. Click OK You will get something like: GetRealIBSystemIO("Measurement App Real Value", "Local Network", 1, 4) [quote="Aaron, post: 31879"]Also, in PICED when I select 'system I/O Custom' in 'value' sub tab of the 'visual properties' tab so that I can post fix text a 'C' [/QUOTE] There is a short-cut here too: 1. Click on the "tool" icon on the tool bar 2. Select the Measurement App category 3. Select the Temperature Value function 4. Select the Channel 5. Click OK 6. Click on the form where you want the component [quote="Aaron, post: 31879"] the text position seems to default to a fixed size?? which is too big?? [/QUOTE] The text size will default to the size selected for the current theme (if used). Just change the font size on the Component Properties form Visual Properties/Text tab.