5500NAC2 Modbus Gateways

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LighthouseAutomation, Feb 19, 2025 at 6:03 AM.

  1. LighthouseAutomation


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    Hey guys,

    I am programming up a 5500NAC2 with the new v2.0.0 firmware, I am trying to integrate in a bunch of Schneider PowerTags via a Schneider PAS600 Modbus gateway. I have them talking to the gateway OK and set up virtual modbus addresses for each PowerTag, however when I try to add in a modbus TCP/IP connection with the PAS600 as the IP address, and address 1 for example as the 1st powerTag address, it's offline. Can't see a way to add a gateway vs. a modbus device

    I know this is probably pretty niche but if anyone can help with mapping Modbus TCP/IP gateways in as there isn't a lot of information out there on this (and I am pretty fresh to C-Bus, I have just moved over from BMS engineering land) I am familiar with Modbus and Schneider products just not sure on correct way to integrate into C-Bus.
    LighthouseAutomation, Feb 19, 2025 at 6:03 AM
  2. LighthouseAutomation


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    right may as well follow up, this was actually pretty easy in the end. Modbus in the NAC2 does not poll until you link it to a C-Bus object first - so I needed to create the 6 or so points as C-Bus objects, then link them in the Modbus mapping section. The built in profile for the Schneider PowerTags has the correct registers, there is an offset of -1 applied , I am assuming that is just how C-Bus handles 32-Bit words (swapped). Ended up modifying the LUA script to delete out irrelevant registers (3 phase points) as it's just a single phase PowerTag.

    Now I need to figure out how to trigger the relay output (outside air fan) when the current exceeds a setpoint, its for a laundry. Struggling to figure out how to drive outputs from LUA script, if anyone has good resource for learning ins and outs of LUA for C-Bus , I'm all ears

    Below is screen shot from early testing

    LighthouseAutomation, Feb 20, 2025 at 11:39 AM
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