
Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by brj, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. brj


    May 12, 2006
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    Guys wondering is there a way (or even need) to be able to be able to factory reset a 5800WCGA?

    I'm assuming that when you attach one to a wired network that toolkit should be able to scan and locate the device? Or is it a matter of manually creating the unit in toolkit putting in the unit IDs?

    I've got a unit that I've not mucked around with for quite some time - and I can't remember what I did to get it working. The other device I was using it with was the 3A Dimmer plug pack.

    Whenver I try to scan the unit - whether learn mode is active or not - toolkit can't seem to sense the unit. I've got normal status lights on the unit - and when I put it into learn mode the learn mode light flashes - so the unit seems ok (just can't see it in s/w).

    I figured maybe I need to factory reset the unit....if that makes sense....

    Any help most appreciated!


    brj, Sep 7, 2007
  2. brj


    Jul 23, 2004
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    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia
    It might be at the same unit address as your PCI..

    Units that have a unit address clash with your PCI are essentially hidden.. Try changing the unit address of your PCI and scanning again.
    Duncan, Sep 7, 2007
  3. brj


    May 12, 2006
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    Mmm tried that

    Duncan thanks for that suggestion - I tried changing the CNI up to a high known free address and rescanned- still no joy.

    When I scan - should the wireless gw be detected irrespective of whether it's in learn mode or not?

    Does anyone know if it has a factory reset ability in case some how its got it's proverbial in a knot?


    brj, Sep 7, 2007
  4. brj

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Yes, on the WIRED network it should be detected in your scan.

    Are you scanning the wired side of the gateway (ie the wired network), or are you trying to scan the wireless side of the network and not seeing any wireless units?

    The Learn button on the gateway is there to get it to learn the wireless house code. In this case you put the gateway into learn, then put your wireless device in learn and use the "learn me" or "transmit my house code" button sequence. This links the 2 together so they can talk RF-land stuff to each other.

    The learn button has no operation with the wired cbus network.

    It does not have a reset capability.
    ashleigh, Sep 7, 2007
  5. brj


    May 12, 2006
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    Ashleigh I believe I'm scanning the wired side of the gateway - I'm in the units view of my wired network.

    Ok so no factory set capability or need - so to scan the unit - must I have first created the gateway inside toolkit and then scan. Or if I put the gateway onto the network and scan - it should just appear like all my other devices?

    I was rereading the setup notes for the gateway and it seemed (at least my reading of it) that I had to first create the unit in toolkit prior to scanning..?

    If thats so - I'm assuming the unit address it's after is the serial number for the near and far side.

    I'm assuming the CBUS wired serial goes into the hardwired CBUS gateway definition and the wireless serial into the wireless gateway appearance in my wireless network.

    Mmmm I hope I'm doing something really stupid here but can't see it yet....

    I believe I've got the 3A wireless dimmer and the gateway paired together ok as the wireless gateway acknowledges the learn ok and it's learn light goes out when I finish the learn on the wireless dimmer unit.

    Thanks all for your suggestions.....


    brj, Sep 7, 2007
  6. brj


    May 12, 2006
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    Still no joy

    I'm pretty sure I've got the 3A Dimmer and the gateway itself paired ok as the gateway drops out of learn mode as soon as I follow the learning sequence with the dimmer unit. They're communicating it would seem. I've got also wireless remote that I've also managed to pair ok with the wireless plugpack and it can happily turn loads off and on- so the wireless dimmer seems to be operational...

    However no matter what, the wireless gateway itself doesn't appear in any toolkit scans.

    My understanding is a new unit defauls to address 255 when first attached to a CBUS network and then you configure away.

    However what I"m wondering is that if I had previously (I think I had) managed see the unit with Toolkit, is that in the process I've assigned it another unit ID (ie: non 255). Even then I would have thought toolkit would have seen it and offered to sort out (unravel) any unit ID conflicts....

    To test this theory I readdressed the whole network (50 odd devices) up by 100 (ie: 1 became 101, 2 became 102 etc) and then rescanned the network hoping to see my gateway. Still no joy. So I'm officially stumped on this one....

    The fact that the gateway is getting power from CBUS ok and seems to be learning via RF ok leads me to think that at least most the logic inside the box is operational.....even tried using a different CBUS RJ45 socket and flylead in case something awas amiss there - no difference.

    Would appreciate any suggestions on next steps....

    Thanks all

    brj, Sep 8, 2007
  7. brj

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    You don't need to predefine things. A scan should show it.

    Sounding like the wired side of your gateway is not working.
    ashleigh, Sep 8, 2007
  8. brj

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    Good. This indicates the wired side is all working OK.

    Correct. The factory default is unit address 255.
    That is normally the case, yes.

    In some rare and bizarre circumstancse units can become hidden and un-unravellable (?!). The most likely unit where this can occur is the PCI you use to make a connection into your cbus network.

    For example, if your PCI is at address 9, and the gateway is also at address 9, then the gateway in some circumstances will become invisible. (Aside for Don, reading this: YES this is technically solvable in some circumstances, just very difficult and not done yet).

    To test if this is the case, re-address your PCI from whatever it is to something else. The something else does not matter much. Then do a full network re-scan.

    The gateway may then appear if it was being masked.

    If your re-addressing included the PCI used to make the network connection, as described above, then it sounds like your gateway is busted.

    If you shifted everything except the PCI, then go back and shift the PCI as well.

    (Or CNI, as the case may be).

    Internally the gateway has two interface devices, one for the wireless network, and one for the wired. These two chatter to each other using an intermediate communication protocol (which is neither wired or wireless cbus). There is a lot of protocol conversion going on! This approach sounds complex but the clear division of responsibilities makes for easier and faster product development.

    Both sides are powered from (wired) cbus, the fact that the wireless side is running indicates the power sources are all ok.

    If the possible lack of re-addressing of the PCI does not make any difference, then something is broken in the Gateway, and if thats the case I suggest you call technical support. If inside the warranty period it can be returned for repair.
    ashleigh, Sep 8, 2007
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