Hiya, I'm trying to get an 8 button (reflection range) key input to enable a PIR and turn on a GA at the same time. For example... Button press = GA 1 (Hallway) + GA 2 (Hallway PIR enable) PIR = GA 1 (Hallway) The idea is that when the button is pressed the hallway lights come on and then the PIR takes over control untill the button is pressed a second time which disables the PIR and turns the lights off. This is a piece of cake to program when its just a single button as I can use multiple blocks but in this instance I have 8 lighting zones that all need to do this function (no blocks left). Scenes wouldnt help as I need the button to operate as on/off and I dont have a PAC or colour touchscreen (although there is a B&W touchscreen) to code any logic into the system. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Phil