Duncan submitted a new resource: [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/aligning-unit-addresses.27/][plain]Aligning Unit Addresses[/plain][/url] - [plain]Aligning Unit Addresses[/plain] [quote]If your normal work-flow is to first create a Database of a planned Installation you will at some point need to ensure that the Units installed at a site matches the Database you have carefully planned out. You have a number of choices about how you ensure this happens. 1. You could address the units before they go to the site for installation. This means taking the units out of the package and installing them onto a test/bench Network for re-addressing. Then send the correctly addressed...[/quote] [url=https://www.cbusforums.com/resources/aligning-unit-addresses.27/]Read more about this resource...[/url]