Hi All, I am doing some re-programming for a B&W touchscreen in PICED, but I don't have one here to experiment with. My problem is that I simply cannot remember what the "Inbuilt Screens" are, and what they display. For example, there's a Page Link > Special Page item named "Diagnostics". I remember that screen having a number of Menu Items (some leading to sub-menus), including some to adjust Schedules. I can't remember if there is something in there for Calibration, Setting the Time, etc... so I don't know what utility menus I need to add to my PICED Project. Does anyone have details of exactly what happens when you use all those Special Pages, and what they link to? Also, how is the appearance of the "internal screens" configured? Do the buttons etc pick up the attributes of the theme components, or do I need to make my own custom versions of the pages if I want them to match? Is there any reason why PICED couldn't display those screens, even if they weren't "live" ? That sure would help us designers, and also would help in documentation too. Finally - I note in PICED there is also a list of "Special Functions", including things like "Schedule Edit" and "Scene Edit". When I use this action in Simulation Mode, it causes PICED's editor to open - what happens when the project is running in the C-Touch? I find this whole aspect quite confusing and poorly documented in the PICED help file. Whilst all the Help titles say "Cbus2" (copied across from the old C-touch software) it's almost like the info for B&W C-touch has been added an an afterthought. For example, comments like this in the Help File :[QUOTE]Special Functions depend on the Project Type and include :[/QUOTE]... then a long list, but nothing showing specifically which ones are available to PAC / CTS / B&W But don't I remember seeing a chart somewhere about that ? Thanks, John