Hi, My alarm system has a relay board that creates a closed circuit when in an armed state and an open circuit when in a disarmed state. When the circuit is closed (i.e. long press), I want to set a scene (All Off) and when the circuit opens set another scene (Entry) (i.e. Long Release) I have created two scene as follows: 1. "Entry" Scene with a few lights 2. "All off" Scene with everything off. I've connected the relay contacts to a L5504AUX (Aux Input) but am struggling to understand how to set the two scenes based on the change of contact state. I presume that "Key 4" is the 4th input (which I've connected the relay to). For Key 4's Function I have selected "Scene" and "All Off" is selected. ... But: - How do I set a different scene (e.g. Entry) once the alarm is disarmed (and the contacts are open again?). - Does it involve the virtual keys somehow? I cannot find any documentation whatsoever on this unit. I must be missing something here..... Thanks in advance