I have a system with a 5504 Aux input unit that looks at 2 x volt free contacts on a hot water system, and 2 x volt free contacts on a septic tank. The problem is when there is an interuption to the local (mains) power supply it gets upset. The whole of the C Bus system starts up great, but the two inputs from the hot water system do not work in that the LEDs on the 5504 are on when they should be off or off when they should be on. I have switched the hot water end of the cables manually and it makes no difference to the LEDs, but what does work is to disconnect the cables from the 5504 unit and then reconnect them. The LEDs then report correctly on the contact status. I have tried shorting the terminals on the module, but that doesn't work, only a disconnect and reconnect does the trick. The other two channels on the septic tank work just fine. All the channels are programmed the same, as a bell push input. The remainder of C Bus does what the 5504 LEDs are indicating. So the output of the 5504 onto C Bus is normal, it's only the status of 2 of the channels that is not getting across the 5504. The only time this happens is when there is a power failure, and it's begining to piss me off....... And the answer is........