B&W touchscreen (not MKII) brainfart.

Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by pbelectrical, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. pbelectrical


    Aug 16, 2004
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    Had a panic call from a customer last night, they were about to open their nightclub for business but the C-bus system was going haywire. Jumped in the van a raced in and found that the touchscreen was having some kind of brainfart. Loads were randomly ramping up and down others were not responding to touches on their inputs or touching one input would trigger a different output.:mad: Connected to the network and scanned all OK but could not open the touchscreen GUI, unable to connect to unit. Opened application log and sure enough all the screwy info was originating from the touchscreen. Connected to touchscreen programming port and re-downloaded project and all was well.:) Also one of the CCTV camera servers had defaulted as well, fixed that and was then told the pizza oven was dead. Traced that to a faulty MCB that had tripped and would not reset, all was fine with the oven though. The owners said they had some welders in during the week who had repeatedly tripped a number of circuits (what do you mean the earth plug is to big, just grind it down boy).

    Anyway to make a long story short, do you think the behavior of the touch screen could be due to surges on the network caused by the tripping breaker.

    pbelectrical, Dec 14, 2008
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