
Discussion in 'C-Touch/HomeGate/SchedulePlus/PICED Software' started by Richc, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. Richc


    Jul 3, 2008
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    Trying to come to grips with shutter relays needed.:confused:

    logic black and white touch screen and dlt

    ....have 3 blinds each wired correctly to a shutter relay.
    failsafe to 7 secs.
    want to program close at 4 pm and open at 8 pm
    and open or close with dlt 1 button at any time.
    or could use saturn 2 button.
    "blind trigger" is virtual group in lighting
    no flags exist as such to tell where blind is ( up or down).
    somfy blinds ac motors with limit stops.

    here is some code

    {close blinds}
    once (Time = "4:00:00 PM") then
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 1", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 2", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 3", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);
    { time of blind descent or ascent +1 sec}

    {open blinds}

    once (Time = "8:00:00 PM") then

    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 1", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 2", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 3", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);

    { time of blind descent or ascent +1 sec}

    if (GetLightingState("blind trigger") = ON) then
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 1", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 2", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);
    PulseCBusLevel("Local Network", "Lighting", "Blind 3", 100%, 0, "0:00:08", 0%);

    1. should i use level translation mode with shutter toggle on a dlt.
    2. if using above code should i use shutter toggle or on/off
    3. if shutter toggle is used and button pressed while blind moving
    will blind stop, reverse or nothing. can any damage be done to relay or
    blind with so- called failsafe relays

    Richc, Sep 21, 2010
  2. Richc

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    The shutter relay is not like other relays... it models the shutter/blind position based on the level it's been set to and the run time as a proportion of the failsafe time.

    For example. If it's closed, and you send it a "Ramp to 50%" command... it will close the "open" contact for 50% of the failsafe time, and remember this "position". If you then sent it a "Ramp to 75%" command, it would operate the "open" relay for a further 25% of the failsafe time, to get from 50% to 75%.

    So... in your logic... to open the blinds all you need to do is send it an ON command, and to close them, you just need to send an OFF command... however because it's this simple, you're probably better off doing it with a schedule, so that the time or other conditions can easily be edited.

    For the one button control on the DLT, you will need to enable level translation mode in the shutter relay and use the "Shutter Toggle" key function. Behind the scenes, this programs the key as a "Set to 98%" function, and the shutter relay detects this "special" level and opens/closes/stops accordingly.

    There is no harm in stopping the blind while it's moving or mixing and matching your schedules/logic/DLT control... the shutter relay will enforce the changeover delay etc. The worst that can happen is that if someone presses a key while the blind is moving as part of its schedule, the user input will stop the blind, or vice versa... if the schedule kicks in when the user is controlling the blind, it will override their input... not much you can do about this.

    NickD, Sep 21, 2010
  3. Richc


    Jul 3, 2008
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    yes that explains it

    but shouldn't the schedule be pulsed, say for 10 secs then
    the relay wont be energised all day.
    is a scene necessary for a 1 button dlt controlling 3 blinds

    also the schedule does not know the physical position of blind
    if someone closes blind at 3 pm manually, does that mean the schedule will
    then open it at 4 pm when it should be closing it. Could using the 2 button
    method with open toggle and close toggle overcome this or am i on the wrong track again.

    anyway i'll try it tomorrow.

    Richc, Sep 21, 2010
  4. Richc


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    The Shutter Relay unit is smart enough to handle all that. It only operates the relay for a maximum of the Fail Safe time.

    If the 3 blinds are only ever going to be controlled together AND the Fail Safe time is the same on all of them then it's possible to assign the 3 Shutter Relays the same Group Address, enabling you to have single button control over them from a DLT. The preferred way is to give each Shutter Relay a unique group address and then control them with Scenes, but this means separate buttons for Open and Close on the DLT (unless you resort to logic).

    This all depends on how you're controlling the unit from your Schedule. If you're setting the absolute position of the blinds by specifying a percentage, or simply want to just open and close, then the Shutter Relay will put the blinds where the Schedule tells it to. If the blinds are closed, and the schedule turns the group off, then the blinds will just stay closed.

    If you're using the Level Translation option from your Schedule then how the unit will respond will depend on whether you're using the 1, 2 or 3-button modes of control.
    Newman, Sep 21, 2010
  5. Richc


    Jul 3, 2008
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    too easy

    works a treat
    shutter relays take care of everything
    i made all relays one group for toggle control, no need for scene.
    thanx for the help

    hunter pacific
    Richc, Sep 23, 2010
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