C-Bus and Minder

Discussion in 'C-Bus Toolkit and C-Gate Software' started by Ivan Colaco, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Ivan Colaco

    Ivan Colaco

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Dear Ashleigh

    Thanks your message.

    I had a C-Bus and minder system installed in my house in 2002. The contract was given to the Electrical Company who in turn got an installer/integrator to do the necessary programming.

    Unfortunately, the programming was not satisfactory but was acceptable and we used the system for a few years without too many problems. However, lately, the system is really failing us and like today we are unable to switch on most lights in the house. The switches just do not respond. I will list below the various issues we are facing and if anyone can help it would be appreciated. For the record we have had a C-Bus installer spend 18 hours trying to find out a solution without any success.


    1. There are 2 different sets of light switches one with Red LED's and the other with Orange LED's.

    2. The C-Bus system is integrated with a Minder system and controls lighting, air conditioning, hot water system and ironing point. The security system is not programmed into the system but there must be some connection. When we used to disable our home security certain lights used to come on that no longer happens.

    3. 2 mono touch screens.

    4. 1 Minder keypad.

    5. 2 networks (94 items).

    6. Relays installed in roof.


    1. All switches with orange LED's work intermittently and for the last 3 days have stopped working completely, however, all switches with Red LED's have never given any trouble. Which means we are unable to switch on most lights in the house as the switches with Red LED's are restricted to about 8 lights only.

    2. System works better on a hot day but stops responding on a cloudy day (believe it or not), meaning on a sunny day all switches work fine upto a point. On a cold day (during winter) switches do not respond. However, there is a further complication at about 1000 hours a sunny day there is a beeping sound which comes from the security system an the switches start working then at about 1900 hours the same beeping sound and the switches stop responding. We have to put on the lights before this otherwise they will not come on and then to switch them off we use the breakers on the main switch board.

    Unfortunately, even this does not work now so we walk around with torches. That is the reason for this request for help.

    3. Both touch screens do not work most of the time and there are very limited functions that they respond to.

    4. There are 2 air conditioning units in our house, unfortunately only one is programmed into the touch screens. When the system does not work then we can use the touch screen to switch it on but only one comes on as the other unit is not programmed. I have lately been connecting my computer to the C-Bus unit and am now able to swtich the air con on, however, the position in the garage is so bad it is really inconvenient.

    5. I used to be able to dial into the system and switch on the air con but that too has stopped responding.

    6. Certain lights cannot be switched off no matter what we do so now we either keep the breaker off or we have removed the bulbs.


    1. Remove Minder completely.

    2. Install and run Homegate from a server (which we intend to install).

    3. Upgrade the system to the latest version (at reasonable cost).

    4. Take the whole system out and replace without C-Bus (probably the most expensive option and definitely not the preffered option but if my wife had her way then this would be the option we would take, hope somebody will me avoid this option).

    I am reasonably computer literate and willing to spend time reprogramming the system if I get some guidance.

    Thanks in anticipation
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2009
    Ivan Colaco, Jan 26, 2009
  2. Ivan Colaco

    Ivan Colaco

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I am in Brisbane, Australia

    The system is wired
    Ivan Colaco, Jan 26, 2009
  3. Ivan Colaco


    Feb 4, 2008
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    UK - London
    This is just V1 and V2 switches no difference in the wall they work.

    Do the LED's on the switch turn on/off and not the lights or nither work?
    How is the network broken up with the bridges?
    Are you still able to scan the C-Bus networks and see all devices?
    Do the manual override buttons on the front of dimmers/relays turn the load on/off?

    What security system do you have?
    Do the switch LED's still turn on/off when the lights don't work?
    If the switches still work check that there is no 'AND' address in the logic tab of your relay/dimmer modules.
    Have you looked to see what the timer in the security system says it's doing?
    How is the security system interfaced (high level - via PCI or low level - via dry contacts)

    Depends on what they have been programmed to do. I'd worry about getting switches working before touch the screens

    Reprogram your screen to control both AC units. Or if you can't reprogram the screen program the channels to the same address as what working from the screen.

    This would be through Minder, which means if it not working then you won't be able to get in

    1 - Do you have a copy of the Minder program (or can you get one) Eitherway if minder is not working and you are having ALL these problems it might be best to remove minder and change over to Pascal Logic engine
    2 - You could use HomeGate to do everything minder did (except the remote call in and any input/outputs that are connectted to minder) Plus it gives you a nice user interface
    3 - There would be no need to 'upgrade' anything BUT the minder. You could update the firmware in your screens (which is nil cost download from CIS website) What you may need to do is replace any hardware thats not working, which from what your saying with the faults you may need to replace some things that are causing interminttent problems
    4 - NOPE - would be cheaper to have someone come in and reprogram from the start then rewire your whole house.

    The first thing i would do is disconnect Minder, security system, touch screen and any other devices that is connectted to C-Bus (apart from switches, PIR's, dimmers and relays) this then gives you a basic system to get back working and start fault finding.
    If it's still not working you then need to check is the network OK. Check that there is a clock pulse (you should have both unit and network lights ON at all relay/dimmer modules and can turn switch LED's ON/OFF) Check that you have voltage >26Vdc at switches in the field and if so that you can Scan the network and see all devices.
    You will also need to check your output channels are working, even if you can scan the unit, the channels may be faulty so use the manual overrides and check that they turn on/off fix and move on.

    Anyway thats it from me :D Hope this gets you started and let us know how it goes :)
    ______., Jan 26, 2009
  4. Ivan Colaco

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    This sounds to me like there are probably several problems present:

    - There MAY be insufficient power supply (things coming and going... voltage might be marginal, or there could be a failed power supply in the network)

    - The Minder MAY be playing up. The fact that you can't dial in suggests the minder is up the spout.

    It's also possible there are other troubles.

    The first step i'd suggest is to COMPLETELY DISCONNECT the Minder. The trouble here is we have no idea of what is programmed in the minder. It may be that the minder was used as some kind of magical central point so that for example, switches sent messages to the minder which in turn sent messages to dimmers and relays to control the lighting. If this is the case, the situation is not going to magically improve. There will be more digging needed.

    The second step is to find if you have a PCI or CNI. These are the devices that allow you to connect a PC to the bus to commission it. If you DONT have either of these, you will need one. If you do, then download Toolkit (free off the web site), connect a serial port to a PCI (use ethernet to connect to CNI). Scan the network.

    If you can do a network scan, then it means there is communication on the bus. If you can't, then it's another pointer about where to go next.

    After doing those things, you can either ping-pong things through this forum (slow) or call the 1300 phone number for tech support (also on this forum).

    However, if you call tech support without knowing anything about the network state there is not much they will be able to do to help you (they are not mind readers). So knowing the basics of whats going on will be an important start.

    It is likely you will need to get a qualified systems integrator or approved installer in if the mess is big enough.

    Once you understand the basic concepts, you should be able to use Toolkit to do some basic programming or reprogramming. Touchscreens complicate the issue, and its then a matter of how confident you feel about DIY.

    The C-Bus PointOne web site can help in finding installers. (Google it, can't remember the URL).
    ashleigh, Jan 26, 2009
  5. Ivan Colaco

    Ivan Colaco

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Thanks very much for the various information. It will take a little time for me to investigate so will reply in the next day or so.

    Ivan Colaco, Jan 27, 2009
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