I have a question about using discovery mechanics. As far as I understand from documentation, I should receive discovery event with application number, then discovery event with group numbers, and finally discovery event with group levels. Each number from discovery groups event will correspond with one number from discovery levels event. But discovery application event contains not one, but two application numbers! How could I determine, which group numbers from following discovery groups event corresponds to which app? For example, I'm receiving following events: CBUS_DISCOVERY_APPLICATIONS: 38 30 CBUS_DISCOVERY_GROUPS: 49 2c 31 c0 e9 ff e8 bf ff CBUS_DISCOVERY_LEVELS: 00 00 00 00 4c 00 00 00 00 In that particular case, I know that group 233(0xE9), which has level 76(0x4C), belongs to application 48(0x30). But how could I determine this by parsing discovery messages? Sorry for my bad english. :(