Hi all, just commissioning a C-Bus/DALI install and have probably painted myself into a corner here (metaphorically). The DALI ballasts will not accept (so it seems) a level 255 (MASK) setting for "Power On" default. So I then wrote a modules which when the lights power on it reads the the C-Bus DALI Application group level and after a 5 second delay, pulses the group off and back to it's original level - in effect - operating the switch. I designed it like this as the spec says that when the room is unoccupied the lights turn off, when re-occupied the lights return to their original level. As there are both C-Bus switch lights and DALI dimmed lights in the same room I thought that using an interposing relay would do the trick - it doesn't seem to have worked. e.g. If the lights were high when the room became unoccupied then when it is occupied occupied again the lights go to the default level of minimum, five seconds later C-Bus broadcasts the pulse but nothing happen. The light switch is still lit (5031NMx) so the DALI application is still at its' level. e.g. If the lights were off they come on to low and pressing the switch on takes it to it's memorised state (memory toggle). At No Time has the DALI Application level been changed. As this tenancy is on a separate network to the Touch Screen I am going to take this logic off the the Touch Screen and place this logic the local network on a PACA controller and see it it works there (i.e. no network traffic delay). Can't be done till Monday now though. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm stumped!