All, Firstly, if this has been covered before (and I'm sure it has), please point me in the right direction. I've done a quick search..... I've got a C-Bus system at home which has been built up gradually, and now has 8 4/8/12 way DIN relay/dimmer units, and a variety of input units. There's an Ethernet Network Interface with a permanent connection to the home network, and this obviously has a permanent internet connection. I'd like to integrate some web control, and despite reading all the docs I can find, can't work out the easiest way of achieving it. All I want to do is have basic control from outside the house (ie across the internet), and also from any pc in the house (or perhaps wi-fi web tablet). I've downloaded the HomeGate eval, and have managed to get some basic buttons working on a web page via ServerX. The problem I've had here is that HomeGate seems to lose it's C-Bus connection fairly quickly, and this then breaks the web page. So..... What's the easiest (recommended) way of integrating web control? I'm pretty web technical, so happy to code if necessary. Thanks in advance. David.