Hi All, This is my first post here so please excuse any rookie questions ! I have read and learnt a lot from the forum but have not been able to find the exact answers I am looking for. I am a software engineer with an electronics background so hope I am reasonably competent...always fatal words though ! I have recently completed what has turned out to be an almost total rebuild of my house and have installed C-Bus throughout, at the moment this consists of 2 x 5508D, 2 x 5504D, 1 x 5504RVF being used for the heating/hot water, 1 x 5504AMP for my Daikin A/C upstairs, 5031TS for temperature control, various Saturn switches, DLT's and a couple of other Bus Couplers and sensors. I have an office at home and an always on PC running Toolkit v1.11.4 and SqueezeBox server amongst other things. So far everything is running very well and other than the electricity board supplying me 195v for a while (!!!) the basic setup has been faultless. I now want to improve what I have and am missing a few things, a scheduler, a logic engine and a software/web interface. Here is a short list of some of the things I would like to be able to achieve : a. Schedule heating/hot water/AC b. Set/display current and target temperatures c. Cycle through 3 presets for AC fan speed d. Apply some logic to alarm being set e.g. outside lights e. Nightime and guest modes to control maximum light levels and All Off settings f. View/control the system setup from various locations e.g. laptop in the house, tablet system in the living room, phone etc... The PAC does not help with the viewing and after researching, installing and testing HomeGate it looked to covered everything however not the different locations...ServerX also appears a little clunky. I then put together a small test stub with socket connections directly into C-Gate which worked really well...this is where my questions start : a. Does HomeGate sit entirely on C-Gate ? b. Would I lose any functionality by writing my own solution/interface to C-Gate ? c. Would there be any difference from the inherent Logic Engine to my own coded logic monitoring Event and Status changes ? d. As above for the Scheduler ? At the moment I am trying to make a decision on the best route, obviously HomeGate is incredibly comprehensive but with my configuration I would only be using a small amount of this and putting together my own interface will allow me to get exactly what I want. Any thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance, Swifty.