does anyone have a idea where capacitor C7 is located on the 5034N 4 gang switch?
Hi Avi8, Pulled a 5031N apart on the workbench this morning to take a look see for you. No circuit board silkscreen overlay printed on my board showing component locations sorry....but all capacitors were surface mount (SMDs) anyway except one. I surmise that this one may be the one you are looking for (?). It is immediately off the C-Bus after half wave rectification and appears to be a de-coupling capacitor, probably where the AC waveform of the C-Bus comms is separated from the DC voltage used to power the switch unit. If a unit had no comms, it appears this would be a likely one to replace. Mine is a 105M 1uF cap and is the only front of board mounted cap. Has someone told you to replace it? All the best, Brad