Cbus dimmer with Homevision

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by brathnach, May 10, 2007.

  1. brathnach


    May 4, 2007
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    Hey guys,

    Was making good use of the guidance here to help me with choosing a dimmer system for my homevision pro board. However I would be very grateful if someone who may have a similar set-up could look at the following set-up and tell me if it will work, or more importantly if I'm way out - dont want to end up with a few useless modules (from the homevision perspective that is :))

    Ok here is what I plan on getting;

    A PCI

    I intend to connect the PCI to the homevision board via RS232.

    What I need this to be able to do:

    I would like it done so that homevision can carry out variable speed of dim/all ON/all OFF via the dim modules. Also the lights may be manually turned on via the wall switches.

    This leads to my first question. In order for this to work sucessfully, either the Cbus would have to notify Homevision when a Wall button is pressed or else homevision would have to be able to check the current state of the dimmer module. Does anyone know which or whether either way is possible?

    Also, I am wondering which is the best to buy, the PCI or the Pascal controller? Both appear to have RS232 connections etc but could the Pascal controller maybe have the advantage that the integrating C-Bus to Homevision code could be loaded into the Pascal controller and save the homevision board the task of the processing.

    If it doesnt work - What are the major differences between the PCI and the Pascal Controller apart from needing to know Pascal!

    Hope you may be able to answer my question or rather get the time to read this post as I know most the members here are pretty much able to answer anything from what Ive seen.

    Thanks as always - keep up the good work
    brathnach, May 10, 2007
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