CBUS installation photos

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by T666, Apr 8, 2006.

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  1. T666


    Aug 4, 2004
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    Bondi Beach Sydney Australia
    lol yeh man i just updated my last message :D
    im doing it all based on a home pc sorta system :D

    im puting a computer in each room, networking them and using them as the control points for most things...

    i done that becasue i want a computer... and my mom and sisters want computers so i decided to just base everything around that

    i did want to place all the computers in 1 room, and cable every back to the main room,
    but there are limitations on cable lengths from a moniter to a computer, and the cables change with technology...
    and id have to work out some usb cable system to bring back the keyboards and mouses.
    so i decide to place a computer in each room and just network it. this way also good because u can change a dvd or cd straight from your computer, and ofcouse its networked to a movie/music server in the control room anyways.

    i got 6 x cat6 cables coming to each room from the control room... and 4x rg6 + 4core for motion sensor for alarm hardwired in now...
    hopefuly dat will be enough... i havent learned about IR yet but if needed i can use one of the cat6 for that yeh?

    motherboards have surround outs onboard now.
    so i also decided to place the amp/reciver under each desk so in some ways each room has many things contained within itself but its also integrated in other ways via the computer network or the cbus neo.

    i think to go the touchscreen way...
    its beter for people who dont want a computer in their room or if they dont know how to use a computer,
    but the cost to acheive the same features per room, like to fully run everything like that would have like been 100x more...

    im sorta building this for my own needs but ill try make it as user frendly for anyone who buy this house.

    this is my moms house :D

    but man i want to learn mains wiring...

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2006
    T666, Apr 17, 2006
  2. T666


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Sup man dats killer ?

    sup man, learn da english first. dats more killer mon.

    Then we can understand what you are typing mon
    Ross, Apr 17, 2006
  3. T666


    Oct 10, 2005
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    *Yawn* Been there, done that.

    *only* 4? Are you controlling the GPOs, too?
    Of course, if you are, you'll need NTP clocks on their own cables (but PoE does that nicely of course).

    Can you buy anything *apart* from "widescreen" nowdays?
    I presume you've factored the running cost of leaving all these PCs running, the licenses for them, the pain and suffering to keep them all updated, and the incessant bitching from family members when their room won't boot, or has crashed, and they can't turn anything on or off or get tv, and they can't even ring you because the VoIP phone doesn't work.

    Have you catered for the additional heat load?

    There's another (practical) way?

    Are we impressed yet? At least try to be consistent with your story. Wireless kb/mouse, but elsewhere you were yabbering on about the USB mouse/kb.

    You need to reconsider this using current technology. You're YEARS behind the 8-ball. Some of us have been using PTZ IP cameras for years.

    *yawn* Home-asterisk servers are stable and routine now. Certainly not "cutting edge".

    Biometrics are nearly ancient!

    Well there's something radical. Glad to see you thinking outside the square.
    Who'd have thought about PIRs, and inter-connecting alarm and control/automation systems hey?!

    Our new place (also not designed by any architect) was quite comfortable
    all summer. It was over 46 degrees here, and we have *NO* airconditioning.

    It's now getting into winter, and although not yet cold, (it was still 4.8 degrees yesterday morning), and still *NO* aircon. It's currently 24.1 degrees in here and not a dime spent on heating or cooling. You need to think smarter about your house. I'm guessing it's going to average over 30 KWH/day minimum. That's very "environmentally aware" of you!

    c-bus can still control it.

    Sometimes, it's a lot better to pay a few bucks to someone who KNOWS, than to spend 10 or 100 times more and "do it yourself...... WRONG".

    I think we're all quite sick of it actually. (SOME of us are anyway).
    Some of us cringe when we see your "wiereing" and have little doubt you're
    going to blow yourself, your house, your friends and/or family or at very least, a whole bunch of expensive equipment, to little weeny bits.

    And then, you'll be sooking and whinging that we didn't give you the right information..... and anyway what does it matter if you used black for active and white for neutral and red for earth? It's all just copper wire anyway, and someone who's colour blind probably couldn't tell the difference and even if they could, they should have used a metery thingy to check it themselves instead of assuming it was done to a standard, shouldn't they?

    Enjoy. Be sure to send us invites, won't you?

    (Can I take my tongue out of my cheek now guys, huh?)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2006
    RossW, Apr 17, 2006
  4. T666


    Aug 4, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Bondi Beach Sydney Australia
    dont b jelos dood :D maybe u will b as cool as me in yor next lyfe :)
    T666, Apr 17, 2006
  5. T666


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Brisbane, Australia

    I think this is when the magic 'CLOSED' button is pressed? ;)
    PSC, Apr 17, 2006
  6. T666


    Jul 23, 2004
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    Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Bolivia
    Thread closed..
    Duncan, Apr 17, 2006
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