Hi My CBUSv1 installation has been operating since 1998. Most of the interior lighting is controlled via many 4 channel dimmers. Since installation I have noticed that the when the lights are dimmed at certain times during the evening I get interaction with the ripple control signals from Energex (here in Queensland). The lights modulate in brightness with the control tones, this only effects the lights that are dimmed, lights that are at or near 100% are not effected. So I assume the ripple control signal is playing havoc with the dimmers TRIAC zero crossing detection. I know there are filters that remove the 1050Hz ripple from the supply. Has anyone had any similar experiances? what were the fixes? Options as I see em: 1) A big 3 phase filter at the meterbox, 2) Smaller Filters infront of the dimmers. 3) Put up with it. The wife stopped complaining years ago :) Regards Paul