Whats the best way to change Applications? I want to change a bunch of relays/dimmers and key inputs from application 62 (outhouse) to application 71 (poolhouse) for example. If I use the global programming button the application changes (only on the database I found out) and all the groups get copied across. Which is fine but none of the group address names get copied. I get left with about 100 GA's that I then need to rename from the default 'Group 1' 'Group 2' etc. That is [b]when[/b] the GA's get copied across. Seems to be a bit hit and miss as to if they get copied across or not. (fairly sure it was working better before I ticked the box asking me if i wanted to keep reading the warning about copying groups. I cant seem to get the warning back up though) I also noticed that when manually changing the application on the Relay GUI (and I assume same thing happens on the dimmers and other GUI's) whilst all the channel GA's change to reflect the new application, the Area GA doesnt change. I have been using 1.8.1 to do my testing. Will upgrade to 1.8.2 when this job is finished.