Well done CIS, Took a while but the screens are great. Just recieved our first shipment of Colour touch screens on Friday. I had previously seen the demo versions but there is nothing like having a play with one yourself. Once I got my head wrapped around the idea of downloading a project via ethernet I think it works really well (and fast!). Had a little play with a project I had previously done that the sceen will be installed for Monday. I like how you can see the names of the Schedules and scenes now unlike the old B&W. This is much better for the client, only thing I would say is that the descripter column needs to be wider by defalt. Trying to widen the columns is very difficult unless you have a small plastic pointer. Perhaps on the side of the screen behind the glass you could have a couple of clips and a 100mm plastic pointer to adjust things like that??? (on the side of course so you dont have to remove the glass). Apart from that, all looks good. Going to install three tomorrow. :D Let you know if there are any prob's. Chris.