The last few snaps
Hi Fleetz I know this isn't of much use to you now (that you're not on site), but on a similar install, we powered the CNI through a contact on the M1. This enabled us to remotely power cycle the CNI when we had a port problem. We've done this on other projects too where we had problems with Crestron locking up during a program upgrade, knowing that a power cycle would wake it again. BTW... the shots look good
Yes I agree I mentioned that in my original post....I suspect it will be implemented when I get back there. Cheers, Fleetz
I am now up where the CNI is located and I am finding the CNI locks at a local level too. Need to cycle the power to it to wake it up again. it is running firmware 4.4.00 is this the latest firmware, is there a later one that address this issue? So it is not just the remote connectivity local too. Cheers, Fleetz