I have recently upgraded one of my installs to the latest Colour Touch for something to do! However, I have noticed that it often decides to control itself! I have it set to beep when buttons are selected, and often it will be heard beeping away to itself .. usually it seems to just be page changes, but sometimes also includes controlling the lights (maybe doesnt do it regularly as most of the on page controls are sliders and not toggles!) .. I have not programmed in any IR codes to any buttons, so have ruled out spurious IR coming from the neighbor's son, etc ;) I have cleaned the screen a few times, thinking it was dust or something .. I have removed the network cable, thinking it was something on the LAN - now only connected to the CBUS. Power cable is the standard one - I recall the earlier model did some funny things if you modified the power cable length ... There is quite a bit of traffic on the CBUS in the measurement app, but otherwise reasonably quiet and not what i would call a flooded network. Has anyone seen this before? Have I managed to develop some code that can do this (there is a reasonable amount of code running), is there something i should look for or should I return for an exchange? (or call in a ghost hunter!) Cheers, Mal.