I'm wondering if anyone can assist with my query. I have the attached layout for my lighting circuits and the issue is how to switch the hall lights (orange). Now the simplest way would be to 2-way switch between the entry and family rooms but thought about using a 5753PEIRL to activate it. This item would be the best fit as the hall has glass french doors so this eliminates switching the lights on during the day. What I would like to avoid is the following scenario: 1. At night, and family lights (Olive or purple coloured circuits) are on. 2. Walk into the kitchen 3. Activate those hall lights. It seems silly that the hall lights will activate each time I walk into the kitchen, especially if surrounding lights are on. Is it as simple as constructing if/then statements with say a Pac controler to manage this? Or perhaps using the light level sensor itself??? Although I'd imagine that if only the olive-coloured circuit is on, not a lot of light will shine directly to the hall. The hall is roughly 6m long... Any feedback or ideas appreciated. Cheers Daniel