Hi. Do the standard (non architectural high power) DIN dimmers have different dimming curves? If so, are they selectable or identifiable/readable in any way? I note the documentation says a bit about the electronics adapting to the load, but could not find much detail. I have noted before when attaching LED fixtures to a test rig that they behaved differently after re-powering up the system. I assumed the dimmer adapted according to what the "perceived load" type was. I have a house where the C-bus was powered up after the ground floor had all lights fitted, but the top floor lights weren't, and the dimmers on the top floor are behaving weirdly - like on a different dimming curve, won't go below about half brightness. I thought maybe the sparkies had used different transformer types for the low voltage halogens, but the same thing happens with a few 240V incandescents as well. If the dimmers do adapt to load then maybe I should just cut the power completely and restart all the C-Bus gear ?