DTSI 5104 interfacing

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by jakelanauze, May 15, 2013.

  1. jakelanauze


    Apr 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Dunedin NZ
    Hi guys, first post on here, im a bit of a noob to C-Bus but I have done the basics training course.

    What i'm looking to do is control 4 underfloor heating zones using the 5104DTSI temp sensor units.

    These will ultimately be loaded into a schedule on a touch screen to control the times that it can operate, but what I cant seem to figure out how to do is have the setpoint temperature (say 18 degrees) control the relay channel on and off.

    any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2013
    jakelanauze, May 15, 2013
  2. jakelanauze


    Dec 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Perth, WA
    Hi jakelanauze,

    There are a number of solutions to this, but since you mentioned using schedules in a touch screen it would make sense to also put some logic in there to handle the temp control ..

    You would need to take care when building this logic though as you would want to prevent it constantly switching on/off - again this could be done in a few ways, the best probably being either in logic or in the relays (using the settings for halide lamps, etc) or combination of both ...
    MadMal, May 17, 2013
  3. jakelanauze


    Apr 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Dunedin NZ
    thanks for the reply.

    I figured i was going to have to write some logic, thats the next thing im going to have to tackle.

    I've managed to load the sensor into measurement manager and display actual temperature on the touchscreen, now i just have to sort out the logic string to control the load on and off.
    jakelanauze, May 18, 2013
  4. jakelanauze


    Dec 16, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Perth, WA
    I just had a look at some of my systems .. I found and irrigation controller I built a while ago that doesn't use any code that may be useful to you as a starter ...

    System control ..
    1. add a new enable group for your under floor heating system

    2. add this to your page to allow the user to turn the system on in the winter and off in the summer, etc

    Set Point ...
    1. create a new System IO variable for your set point, set it up as a real in with 0 and max 100 and add it to your page as a level component

    2. create two new buttons on the page that have the system IO key function of nudge up and nudge down with the value set to the about you want to change by (I go by 0.5 degrees in most of mine)

    In the Logic Engine, create a three new Modules for Under Floor Heating and sort them in order according to the numeric prefix to get the run order correct.

    Module "2 Underfloor Heating Off"
    {Change to suit your group name for the relay that controls the loops}
    SetLightingState("Underfloor Heating1", OFF);
    SetLightingState("Underfloor Heating2", OFF);
    SetLightingState("Underfloor Heating3", OFF);
    SetLightingState("Underfloor Heating4", OFF);

    Module "1 Underfloor Heating On"
    { TODO }

    Module "0 Underfloor Heating init"
    DisableModule("1 Underfloor Heating On")
    DisableModule("1 Underfloor Heating Off")

    Create your schedules that use the enable group you set above and have the event special function to "module enable" the "underfloor heating on" logic module.

    There is still a bit to go and things you could add .. for example, you could add a schedule to turn off and increase the complexity to individually manage each zone.

    You also need to add the code to manage the zones when they are active.

    But hopefully this is a good start for you.


    MadMal, May 19, 2013
  5. jakelanauze


    Apr 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Dunedin NZ
    Thanks Mal,

    this has been a great help.

    jakelanauze, May 20, 2013
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