Hi there, I have recently taken delivery of a shiny new eDLT unit, which is a neat piece of kit, and thought I would share a couple of observations: [LIST] [*]From a usability perspective I am finding the Dimmer Down/Dimmer Up hard to operate. I start with a load off and press the right rocker switch. It goes to 100%. I then press the left rocker switch and nothing happens. If I leave it a bit sometimes the left rocker switch then works. I don't think it is a physical issue with the switch What I want to do is go to 100% on a short right press, 0% on a short left press and dim up/down on the long presses - can I do this? [*]The Scene Off/On mode only activates the scene with the right button press. I would have thought that it would make sense to either associate two scenes with a button rather than having all the scenes on off. If I want to associate 3 scenes with 3 buttons the 'off' mode is a bit confusing. [*]If we have an empty widget please can we have a blank one that is rendered like the other units and doesn't leave a background colour space. [/LIST] Thanks Mark