Greenstar - DALI vs DSI

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by PSC, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. PSC


    Jan 12, 2011
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    South Africa
    Hi Guys,

    What is the use of using DALI when the end user does not have the skills to reprogram the ballasts? I have used many DSI solutions and the most popular is using a DALI control system but interface to DSI at the entrance to a room or begining of a group. Therefor I am decreasing the number of addresses but still enabling the user to be able to interface through the DALI control system. The maintenance is therefor also a plug and pluy solution as the addressing, group setting and scene setttings are stored in the DALI-DSI interface.

    Shouldn't we also be looking at simplicity?

    Most DALI manufacturers are offering Solutions using a 1-10V sensor with a DALI Broadcast Signal to a number of ballasts. What is the use of that? Can just as well go straight DSI then?

    Good to see there is some reasonable people out there discussing this.
    ShawnB, Jan 12, 2011
  2. PSC


    Nov 3, 2009
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    each DALI ballast or DALI LED power will consume about 0.2watt when lamp off.
    so if you installed 50 DALI ballasts, total power of 10 watts will be consumed when all lamps off.

    people do not want to have too many addresses can use DALI-0-10V-relay , which provide a relay and a 0-10v port. the relay enable you to shut the power of connected devices, the 0-10v enable you to dim the 0-10v ballasts or led drivers.
    samluo, Feb 1, 2011
  3. PSC


    Jan 18, 2010
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    the end user tends not to be the person at the workstation in the general population, But a trained building manager/engineer. I am sure the integration specialist that commissioned the job would like some ongoing work?

    I am quite happy to take on maintenance packages because the old dogs don't want to learn new tricks.

    yeah but the fact that during the on time of the lights and the monitored and harvested lighting conditions that an intelligently designed system should save. Far outweighs the minuscule power consumption in standby monitored state.


    the ratings on buildings can also be affected by the resources they need to retrofit new fit outs and the environmental damage for resource scavenging.
    more cabling = more petroleum based products, and more copper wire etc.etc.

    advantage of a dali system is the reconfigurable nature of the system and the information reporting that the system can produce.

    DSI is great as a dimming type system for fluro's but to reconfigure the switching of groups of lights requires wiring changes to the ballasts of them groups. DSI does not require the addressing of individual units as DALI does so it simpler for the average sparky to wire as it is almost the same as conventionally wired products and same as 0-10v products in a wiring sense.
    however DSI can dimm to off where 0-10 does not.

    DALI grouping and re-switching can be done by simply communicating to the ballasts or Dali line and telling the ballasts what switch group they belong to.
    no wiring or anything.
    so that is where it really wins over DSI no more resources were used in reconfiguration of switching groups so that is a bonus for the enviroment
    oracle, Feb 13, 2011
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