Hi guys Thanks for the add Having a hell of a time here I am doing a full Reno on my house and would like it all c-bus so though I would start testing it and trying to get use to how it programs ect I have set up on my desk 1 wiser 5500shac 1 Clipsal 24v psu 1 universal dimmer 1 12 voltage free relay 1 pascal 1 Edlt 1 6 button switch 1 c-bus power supply Latest toolkit and firmware on edlt The toolkit. Constantly won’t scan / crash It comes up finding 5 items click ok and will just go back to the Home Screen ( sometimes comes up with , check power , burden , network ) Sometimes it dose work and I can get to the next step , can add the units to the upper part of the screen / active projects The relay and the dimmer for most seem to program ok and can set them up sometimes they will crash while writing to the unit , The edlt on the other hand is causing the most pain. Constantly crashes while writing to the unit / seems very slow to write to it as well the task bar just sits there gets to about 10% and comes up with a error but on a rare occasion it will just write to it very quickly and will work , it seems like it will crash when I am trying to write more than one thing to it. ie if I do just one label or a colour change or address at a time it might program ok. But if I try to do a whole page at once it just won’t program and the labels on the edlt don’t match what I wanted it to say ie if I had a label “hallway “ the edlt will say “cellar”