Help understanding event.log

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by adgilcan, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. adgilcan


    Oct 13, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Reading UK
    I have had my Cbus system set up for a couple of years now and all generally works well. There are, however a few issues which I'd like to get sorted and which I think may be down to conflicts.

    To start with there are errors showing in the event.log file which I don't understand. I wonder if someone could start me off by pointing me in the right direction? I'd really appreciate it if you could have a quick look and tell me what you think (or know) is going on.

    I attach the latest log file.

    Thanks so much


    Attached Files:

    adgilcan, Feb 3, 2014
  2. adgilcan

    daniel C-Busser Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi there,

    Thanks for your question. Unfortunately the default level of logging is not enough for us to diagnose effectively:

    20140203-075343 300 sys dump cgate: EventLevel=5
    Please see this thread for info on setting up level 9 logging.

    Based on your previous log it should be sufficient to capture only the startup and a couple of minutes worth of logging, then you can revert to level 5 again if you prefer (set global-event-level=5 in the config file).
    daniel, Feb 4, 2014
  3. adgilcan


    Oct 13, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Reading UK
    Hi Daniel

    Thanks for your response.

    I attach the log files you requested. The event log is continually updating even when no commands are being sent by human input.

    Many thanks


    Attached Files:

    adgilcan, Feb 5, 2014
  4. adgilcan

    daniel C-Busser Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Duncan, thanks for that report.

    It looks like you have the new CNI2 there, which is actually trying to say "*** Connection already in use\r\n".

    Is something else connecting to that device?

    Edit: Recorded as issue CG-1617 to have C-Gate handle this better.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2014
    daniel, Feb 6, 2014
  5. adgilcan


    Oct 13, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Reading UK
    Hi Daniel

    No, actually I am using a Wiser CNI. I don't think that there is anything else connecting to the device. However, it may be that the method I am using to access the system could be causing the trouble? All CBus system related files are stored in a Dropbox folder and are accessed via a Parallels virtual machine from my Mac desktop and laptop. I notice that the event.log file is quiet and does not update when the virtual machine is not running. However as soon as the Windows machine is loaded, the event.log file is continuously syncing with Dropbox. Could this be causing the problem you describe?

    In any event I still have some strange occurrences.

    1) Periodically, I am unable to open the network in Toolkit. I get the error message "PCI failed to reset: unable to open network". Normally, a reset of Wiser cures this problem. Occasionally, too, the Wiser appears to freeze and only scenes stored in input units appear to work. Again, a Wiser reset restores normality.

    2) I have an input unit where one button switches ON/OFF one dimmer channel. This dimmer channel appears elsewhere on other input unit buttons in scenes. There is an another dimmer channel which also appears in those scenes. With Toolkit running I am able to operate the ON/OFF button as intended both from within Toolkit and via the input button. Also, once Toolkit has been shut down the ON/OFF button works properly. However, once a scene has been selected and used which incorporates both channels mentioned, the ON/OFF input button now switches both channels rather than the one it is programmed to. I have no idea why this is.

    I attach another set of logs which include an event.log which should reflect some of the problems I have described. The last action I took prior to stopping the C-Gate server was to reproduce problem 2 described above.

    Any pointers as to where the problems lie would be very much welcomed.

    Many thanks


    Attached Files:

    adgilcan, Feb 6, 2014
  6. adgilcan

    daniel C-Busser Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Duncan, the CNI in the Wiser is a CNI2.

    For whatever reason it thinks there is already a connection made to it, which is why it is rejecting the Toolkit connection.

    I would check if you are connecting to the correct Wiser IP address as described in the documentation, and also touched on here:

    Long story short; problems with Wiser have tripped up a lot of people - you will have a much happier experience if you simply dedicate a separate PCI or CNI to the software suite.

    Your Dropbox setup shouldn't impact on the C-Bus communications, but it might cause other unexpected issues. I assume this is for backup only - you will definitely have issues if you access the files from 2 different machines. Other than that it might cause odd hiccups if it slows down the C-Gate file write operations. I would de-activate Dropbox (you don't have to un-install it, just sign out) when diagnosing any issues in future.

    Regarding problem 2, I think you will need to contact technical support as it sounds like a programming issue within the project.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2014
    daniel, Feb 6, 2014
  7. adgilcan


    Oct 13, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Reading UK
    Thanks Daniel

    This needs investigation.

    Can you tell me which line in the log is telling you that a connection has already been made? Have you any suggestions, short of isolating the system from the network and slowly adding devices back onto it, how to go about identifying the problem connection?

    Many thanks

    adgilcan, Feb 15, 2014
  8. adgilcan

    daniel C-Busser Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Duncan,

    That information probably won't help you much, but here it is:

    20140205-173439 734 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb response: *** C processed by network.
    20140205-173439 824 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb unknown response: *** C
    20140205-173439 765 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb got packet confirm: n.
    20140205-173439 734 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb response: ec processed by network.
    20140205-173439 765 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb got packet confirm: r.
    20140205-173439 734 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb response:  a processed by network.
    20140205-173439 765 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb got packet confirm: y.
    20140205-173439 734 //OLDACRES/254 9c064760-70b9-1031-978e-e055a345a3bb response: ead processed by network.
    Long story short, the CNI2 was supposed to replicate the CNI1 but the team got a bit too clever and added some extra behaviour. So you can see some of the characters trickling through there. It doesn't hurt C-Gate as it just ignores those responses (though we will tidy this up in a future release).

    What will help you is;
    (a) Making sure you have Wiser configured correctly and are connecting to the right IP inside the Wiser (see above).
    (b) Making sure there are no other software applications or other ethernet appliances accessing this CNI.

    C-Bus devices (at least the current crop) don't connect to IP addresses, so you shouldn't need to fault-find on the C-Bus side.
    daniel, Feb 16, 2014
  9. adgilcan


    Oct 13, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Reading UK
    Thanks Daniel

    I'm away for a few days but will investigate and report back.

    By the way, I discovered the issue of one channel being dragged by another. It was a logic issue. My fault.


    adgilcan, Feb 17, 2014
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