Help with Saturn Wireless wall switch

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wireless Hardware' started by jago, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. jago


    Mar 21, 2007
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    G'day guys,

    I just bought a saturn leading edge 2 channel 6 button wireless wall switch.

    I replaced one of my conventional light switches and it works OK [obviously it's not linked to anything YET, just seeing if I like it, then I'll buy more, probably a CTC and PC link, etc], but I am having problems with scenes.

    I put the thing into learn mode [hold the top 2 buttons for 10 secs], then 'group' button 1 to itself [by just pressing it once while in learn mode, then holding top 2 buttons to exit learn mode], and do the same to button 3 [group it to itself] because the manual said to do that, and scenes don't work AT ALL, unless I do this. I then create a scene button by going into learn mode, double pressing button 5 [it flashes quickly], leaving learn mode by holding the top 2. I then hold button 5 for 10 secs, to program the scene, I set desired levels of my 2 channels on that switch [remember, I have nothing else yet], and hold button 5 to go back to normal. All good, button 5 dims my 2 channels to my programmed levels. Lovely!

    THE PROBLEM: I can't create another scene button on any of the other 5 buttons, including the "free" button 6. When I'm in learn mode and I double press button 6 hoping to create another scene button, button 5 starts flashing fast instead [there's already a scene set on button 5, as mentioned above]. I've done a factory reset of the unit, and still can't do it. I'm able to create button 6 as a scene, and all is good, but then I can't create button 5 or any others. So basically, it will only let me have one scene.

    I know it's preferred to do PC link, but what I'm trying to do isn't that complicated.

    Am I meant to be able to program the other buttons as "scene" buttons too? Because it's ridiculous having buttons 1 & 2 for channel 1, and buttons 3 & 4 for channel 2, because they both do the same things. And one button which is totally useless!

    Sorry about the long post, but wanted to make my steps clear!

    Hope someone has some advice, because I'm stumped.

    jago, Mar 22, 2007
  2. jago


    May 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Multiple scenes through learn mode

    The long post was good, told me exactly what was going wrong :D

    Everything right, apart from one little bit.

    When you create the first scene key, give a single quick press to the other button you want to be a scene key.

    For example when you first create key 5 as a scene key by double clicking it (indicator will flash rapidly), without exiting learn mode, give key 6 a quick single press (it will also start to rapidly flash) to designate it as a scene key as well.

    After this is done, exit learn mode.

    You'll now have 2 scene keys on buttons 5 and 6.

    Hope this helps,

    cramer, Mar 22, 2007
  3. jago


    Mar 21, 2007
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    Thanks, I'll try it when I go home... but I'm still pretty sure I tried that...

    Can you program keys 1 through to 4 as scene keys???
    jago, Mar 22, 2007
  4. jago

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    You can program keys 1..4 as scene keys, but if you do, you lose their normal function :)

    You may be able to put the groups on buttons 1 and 3 (for example) so that the output channels have groups, then use buttons 2, 4, 5, 6 for scenes.

    Using Toolkit and PC programming you can set up ANYTHING. Using Learn operations is a little more restricted.

    As above - you can do, but you can also get confused pretty easily!
    ashleigh, Mar 23, 2007
  5. jago


    Mar 21, 2007
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    But when I try to create another scene button (once I've already set one and it's working fine) by double quick pressing that button in learn mode - the other scene button (say button 5) starts quick flashing instead, and not the button I have double pressed (say button 6).

    So I basically can only create one scene on the switch... what's going wrong do you think?
    jago, Mar 23, 2007
  6. jago

    ashleigh Moderator

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    The double press in learn flips to "scene assignment" mode.

    If there were no scene buttons, then the one you double pressed becomes a scene button.

    But if there were previously scene buttons present, it will show you what they are. You then have the opportunity to add (or remove) scene buttons in this mode by doing a single-press on ANY button.

    If you follow Cramers steps (above) you should be able to do exactly what you want.
    ashleigh, Mar 23, 2007
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