How to re-program C-Bus Scene Master w/o PC

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kheonglee, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. kheonglee


    Dec 10, 2009
    Likes Received:
    I'm a newbie to C-Bus. Just moved into an apartment that is installed with a C-Bus Scene Master Controller (5035NIRSL) and a C-Bus 4 Gang Switch (E5034NL WE).

    1) Do you have a simple user guide for end user?

    2) How do I reprogram the scenes using the C-Bus Scene Master Controller unit (without a PC)? Your brochure mentioned using a "Setup Mode" at the controller. How do I switch to this mode without the use of a computer?

    3) Similarly, how do I reset or reprogram the C-Bus 4 Gang Switch without using a PC?

    Many thanks for the help.
    kheonglee, Dec 10, 2009
  2. kheonglee


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, South Australia
    There are 3 documents available on the CIS website: The Installation Instructions, the User Guide and the Programming Guide.

    Page 17 onwards in the User Guide explains how to edit the brightness and fade rates for each of the Scenes. Page 23 onwards describes the Setup Mode, where you can create new Scenes. This is all done using push buttons on the unit.

    Since approximately year 2000, the devices on the C-Bus network have supported a feature called Learn Mode, where devices can be reprogrammed using push buttons only. As part of this process, a new Group Address is assigned to the dimmer/relay channel and the button on the switch. This means that any relationship between the Scene Master and the dimmer/relay/switch will be broken and need to be re-assigned using a PC and a C-Bus network interface of some sort.

    If you have no ability to connect a PC to the network to re-assign the relationships between everything then in your particular install I would limit my activities to editing the Scene Master only.
    Newman, Dec 10, 2009
  3. kheonglee


    Aug 4, 2004
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    Townsville, Australia
    Don't forget that any C-Bus key unit (Scene master, neo, DLT, saturn, etc.) except for the old 4 key 2000 series 'scene controller' are capable of RECORDING scenes for any group addresses. This feature does not allow for editing ramp rates, but does allow for adding group-address/level information for new or existing groups in any scene. This feature can be disabled by disabling Learn mode (for public areas).

    For Neo, DLT, Saturn, etc., just hold down the scene key for over 10 seconds, and a slow flash will start. While slowly flashing, any CHANGES to groups in the same application as the key unit's primary application will be recorded as new or edited elements of the scene. Pressing the slowly flashing key completes the process for that scene. If scene elements are to be removed, double-click of the slowly flashing scene key while in RECORDING mode will clear all elements from the scene.

    Scene recording in the Scene master follows a similar procedure, and is covered in the User Guide. In Scene Master the Recording mode is referred to as 'scene setup' mode.

    If you don't have a scene key or want to change the scene keys on a unit, you have to go back to the Learn mode Andrew mentioned.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2009
    Don, Dec 10, 2009
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