How to Toggle scene of C-Touch from NEO?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by discjockeyr, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. discjockeyr


    Jan 9, 2007
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    I need help as i did not find the way to do the following.
    I have a scene on my MK2 B&W touch screen which is named as "AWAY" and actually is disable all groups when i left the house. I want to set a button on a NEO switch which by press it to call the "AWAY" schene from Touch. The only thing that i found is to make a new schene on NEO but unfortunately can manage only 40 groups and i have more. So please if anybody can help me if is possible to recall a scene which is store on Touch from NEO.
    Thanks in advance
    discjockeyr, Jun 9, 2010
  2. discjockeyr


    Jan 30, 2006
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    Its been a while since I used this device (oh, and what fun it was) but you should be able set a scene trigger value in the c-touch. I.e. when group address x turns on, run scene y etc.

    You need to do this in the c-touch programming, the neo would be set up as normal, with a timer switch probably your best bet so it will reset itself for next time.

    You might also want to consider making a Home scene which re-enables the groups and is activated by the same switch turning off (in which case don't make it a timer).

    mmd, Jun 9, 2010
  3. discjockeyr


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    What you need to do is a remote scene trigger.

    To do this, you need to assign a Trigger Group and Action Selector to the Scene in PICED. This is done on the Scene Trigger tab of the Scene editor.

    Once you've done this you need to configure the Neo unit to use that Scene trigger. You do this by assigning the button on the Neo as a Scene function and selecting the corresponding Trigger Group and Action Selector for the Scene button. The actual group address information remains empty in the Neo, since all that information is stored in the C-Touch and you're triggering it remotely. The indicator on the Neo will extinguish when the AWAY scene is no longer valid.

    Scenes, including remote triggering of them, is covered in lots of detail both here on the forum and also in the PICED help file.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2010
    Newman, Jun 10, 2010
  4. discjockeyr


    Jan 9, 2007
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    Thanks both for your replies.
    Is it possible also to toggle beteween "AWAY" and "WELCOME" with the same button of NEO? and how to do this?
    Thanks again for the valuable help
    discjockeyr, Jun 10, 2010
  5. discjockeyr


    Jan 9, 2007
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    Hi again,

    I have manage to use the scene that is stored on C-Touch from NEO by the way that Newman said.
    What i did on NEO is that i have select Scene as function and the trigger group and action selection. What i did not managed to do is to use the same button to toggle beteween AWAY and WELCOME scene. Also i have try to use 2 separates buttons but Again no success. When i select on the second button again as function the scene the trigger group and action selection getting the same as the other button. So i need help first if is possible to have the same button for toggle between AWAY and WELCOME and if is not possible with one button how to set two buttons.
    Thanks in advance
    discjockeyr, Jun 10, 2010
  6. discjockeyr


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    To have 2 buttons on a Neo controlling 2 Scenes is relatively straight forward. In the touch screen program the 2 scenes so that they use the same Trigger Group but each Scene has a unique Action Selector. On the Neo program 2 Scene buttons, each using the Action Selector that corresponds with the Scene you want to trigger.

    To toggle between 2 Scenes from a Neo the set-up is a bit more complicated.
    On the Touchscreen you need to:
    - Program the 2 Scenes to use the same Trigger Group
    - Assign one Scene as being remotely triggered by Action Selector 000, the other Scene as being remotely triggered by Action Selector 255.

    On the Neo you need to:
    - Set the Secondary Application to Trigger Control (global tab)
    - Set the button to use the Secondary Application
    - Set the group for the button to the Trigger Group you've assigned to both scenes
    - Set the key function to On/Off

    This works because Off is equivalent to Action Selector 000 and On sets a group to 100% (if it was previously off) and this corresponds with Action Selector 255.

    If you can afford to have 2 separate buttons then this is definitely preferable, since you'll get full feedback on the status of the Scenes, which you won't get when remotely triggering 2 scenes from a single Neo button.
    Newman, Jun 11, 2010
  7. discjockeyr


    Jan 9, 2007
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    Dear Newman,

    Thanks once again. You reply is very usefull. So this is the only way to do that?
    Actually i prefer to toggle with one button as i need the extra button for some other use. But if this is the only way..
    Regarding the programming on one button is necessary to use 000 & 255 and not any other numbers, correct?
    Also when you said "since you'll get full feedback on the status of the Scenes" you mean that with one button i cannot see on the C-TOUCH that the scene is enable or disable?
    The best for me but i thing that will no be possible it is when the AWAY scene is selected to have the Neo button in blue color and when the Weclome scene is enable to have the button on orange color
    discjockeyr, Jun 11, 2010
  8. discjockeyr


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    There are other ways but they all involve doing things like writing plenty of logic code, which I suspect is something you're fairly new to.
    You can use 000 and xxx by changing the Neo key function from Toggle to Memory Toggle 2 and specifying the Recall 2 value to correspond with Action Selector xxx, but the risk here is that if anything else is using that Trigger Group, your xxx value may get overwritten inadvertently, so it's safest to use 000 and 255.
    I'm referring to the status feedback on the Neo. The C-Touch will be fine. If you use 2 buttons on the Neo you'll get indicator feedback telling you that the Scene has been set, or is no longer valid. For example, you'd get feedback that neither the AWAY or WELCOME scenes were valid, by both indicators being extinguished. You won't get that if you use only 1 button; the indicator will only show one state or the other and breaking the scene won't extinguish the indicator.
    This is definitely possible using the single-button method I described earlier. You just need to program the indicator to use dual colour status. After that, set the on colour (this will be for Action Selector 255) that corresponds with the appropriate scene.
    Newman, Jun 12, 2010
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