HVAC Control

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by xrmichael, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. xrmichael


    Nov 20, 2006
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    We want to expand our cbus demo site to control the heating system. at the site, we have 12 zones of UFH that have a 2 stage heating coil low/high heat.

    The question would i be better to use

    3 of the new 4 zoner thermostats when they ship to the uk in November (no really November) and 9 sentempb's if they ever ship to the uk

    or 12 sentempb's and use the colour touch or homegate v4 (that arrived in the uk last month) and some logic to achieve the same

    also could i buy any of this from someone in oz to try and speed up the completion of our demo site, the slow time scale on product to the uk has already cost us 2 nice install this year as customer wont order something i cannot show them working.

    Thanks Michael
    xrmichael, Jul 31, 2008
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