incorrect skin definition file version

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wiser 1 Controller' started by pgordon, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. pgordon


    Nov 16, 2004
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    Hi All. hoping someone can help me with a little problem I have...

    First off, I hadn't touched my Wiser, or any other part of CBUS for absolutely ages (maybe 2 years or so) - haven't needed to... it's been ticking along nicely, and I've needed to make no changes..

    However, recently I had cause to take my wiser out of service for a while due to some decorating work going on, and this weekend I reinstated it, and thought this would be a good opportunity to do some updates.

    Firstly I downloaded & installed the very latest versions of Toolkit & PICED from the CIS website. Ran toolkit, updated my project file when prompted, opened the network & made a minor change to one of my unput units.. all fine. I then ran the latest PICED, and when prompted uploaded the newer firmware to the wiser unit which also went OK. I then opened my last opened project file, and PICED asked me about refreshing the project from the unit... since I reckon they should be in sync, but just to be sure I said yes to that... seemed like it shouldn't do any harm..

    Initially it seemed like I then had connection problems.. none of my ipads could connect, and I couldn't get the web UI on my PC. I remembered about uploading the project file to the unit, so I went through the transfer wizard to do that, and it prompted me about saving the PICED project file in the new format, which naturally I agreed to...

    Now, it seems that my ipads are connecting OK... but when I try to open the wiser UI in the browser, I get the error message mentioned in the title:
    "Incorrect skin definition file version. It is 2.50, it should be 2.13"
    Which seems to be suggesting that something is newer than some other part of the wiser system... I can't click past this message, so I can't get to the UI at all on a browser...

    If left, the message disappears on its own after a while, but just leaves behind a completely black screen, with no visible elements at all...

    Any ideas??


    Paul G.

    Attached Files:

    pgordon, Mar 17, 2013
  2. pgordon


    Sep 29, 2005
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    It looks like you may have some caching issues. Can I suggest you try opening the web page in an incognito window (chrome) or whichever private method your browser has.

    If you could also let me know the release of PICED you used and the skin version, i will just check we have not made any release errors. Being that is a very old previous version i would be suprised, but its still worth a check if you get no joy
    wilddog, Mar 18, 2013
  3. pgordon


    Nov 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    How weird is that...

    24 hours later, the error has just "disappeared"... - now I can sign in to the UI and it goes straight in..

    problem solved I guess!!
    pgordon, Mar 18, 2013
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