Increase in CAL messages after programming an eDLT which causes network issues.

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by gte242, Apr 7, 2023.

  1. gte242


    Apr 7, 2017
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    Was wondering if anyone can help. After doing a change on an eDLT (95% sure) I get an increase in CAL messages. This creates significant traffic on the network.

    See attached files over 20 minute period using traffic analyser. After a EDLT change and then after powering down the whole C-bus network. Then running traffic analyser again. The power down does seem to resolve it but unsure what the real issue is.

    eDLT Firmware is the latest firmware - I only have had this issue since the upgrading them. However not entirely sure the upgrade is the issue. Still trying to be open minded here. Screen shot attached.

    eDLT info:
    HW version: 1.0
    eDLT firmware: 1.6.0
    eDLT Config - 1.6

    Toolkit - 1.16.2

    Noticed that the eDLT updater has the 1.6.2 version but the actual eDLT update file is V1.6 might be nothing but thought I'd mention it.

    Voltages are all good across the network (26.1V - 30.1V). However another buggy thing I have noticed is that when any eDLT is opened up from the database view to program the voltage is shown as 0V in red but when I do a diagnostic check it is all good. All eDLTs are also fully powered up and operational with no issues. All other units are fine

    Did a reliability test when the issue was present and it completely failed - eg froze and would not complete. Guessing too many CAL messages. Repeated reliability test after power down and results attached all units perfect. Interestingly it generate the final voltage results.

    Little stuck now so any help would be appreciated. Probably going to take the firmware of eDLT back to the previous release would be my next step but would like to know if anyone else has encountered this issue and what their resolution was.

    Thanks for any help.



    Attached Files:

    gte242, Apr 7, 2023
  2. gte242


    Aug 3, 2004
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    I have experienced similar problem myself, spent a lot of time checking my network, running diagnostic utility (traffic analyser and reliability test).
    To cut a long story short in my opinion eDLT's initiating the MMI's is a problem so I disconnected them until forcing something else to initiate the MMI reconnected the eDLTs and I achieved a nice clean traffic analyser with out errors.
    After ensuring that the source unit is not the eDLT's and the traffic analyser is showing little or no errors, reprogram your eDLT's SR interval to greater than 3 second (I used 5 sec)
    Point to note from my experience CNI's seem to produce errors on the traffic analyser when the message count per second gets above 6 to 8 messages per sec.

    Also I moved the clock onto O/P units not CNI/PCI type devices cycle manly due to eDLT's.
    Wonkey, Apr 10, 2023
  3. gte242


    Apr 7, 2017
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    I had the clock enabled on the SHAC, an output and a dimmer. So have I moved it off the SHAC to another output unit. To see if that helps.

    Will give the status report piece ago next time I see the issue.

    Thanks for the advise.
    gte242, Apr 10, 2023
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