Hi, is there an easy way to install C-Gate alone? I have installed the latest Toolkit and Schedule+, however, when I installed then they installed the latest version of Java v 1.5 something. I have several other apps that I use that need specific versions of Java, which V 1.5 breaks. The earlier versions behaved better, in that they allowed me to select which would run via the last page of the internet options diaglog. Version 1.5 doesn't seem to let me have any control over what version runs when called. To get my other stuff working again, I have had to uninstall all Java and reinstall the two versions I want, causing quite a lot of grief when various settings went south with the Java classes. I now have the computer back where I want it, except that C-Gate has gone... All I want to do now is install C-Gate by hand, because I know it can run on the Java versions I have. (Toolkit is still there, and I haven't used Schedule+ yet, it's not a big deal for this PC.) Thanks Kevin