Hi, I have a quick question on dimmer setup for a L5504AMP 0-10V analogue unit. Basically the LEDs that I have required a PWM signal in order to dim and this is wired up to the L5504AMP unit correctly. The LEDs dim, but the wrong way. In other words a dim output of 99% results in the LEDs being almost off and a dim output of 1% results in the LEDs being fully on. I have talked to the manufacturers of the LED package (Lumascape) and they told me that they noticed the same problem, but were told by Clipsal that their system can handle the inverting of the output. I've had a look through the CBus Toolkit software to see if I can invert the output of the L5504AMP unit, but I can't find anything. Hope someone out there can help me??? Cheers, Russ