Is C-Bus in Maintenance Mode

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nobes, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Nobes


    Oct 7, 2004
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    Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the future of C-Bus.

    The integrators on here would have gone to the conference last year where we were fed the line "C-Bus is not dead, it's not going anywhere". Well I guess they are right in a sense, it's not going anywhere, including forward.
    Very rarely do we get new product, or even software releases (PICED Feb 2015). There are still bugs in the eDLT firmware that haven't been fixed!
    Everytime you asked a Clipsal rep at the conference, they were very vague on the roadmap for the product.
    It's all very wishy washy to me.
    Nobes, Feb 10, 2016
  2. Nobes


    Nov 22, 2011
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    Hey Nobes,

    I tend to agree however when i have made these comments to those in the know often i get met with a response similar to 'well what other products would you like to see in the portfolio?' That nearly always stumps me.. Haha

    As for the slow bugs fixes this is a big bug bear of mine, pardon the pun.. ;-)

    I feel that the poor CIS guys are probably doing the best they can under the Schneider regime..

    There has been quite a lot of development and new products on the dali control side of things..
    Plus i believe the CIS guys were also involved in development of the SILC product offering which may have sapped resources away from the CBUS side of things..

    Roosta, Feb 10, 2016
  3. Nobes


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Similar feelings here as well.

    As for what we would like, maybe we need a thread here asking that exact question so that the word can get out and then we can put the pressure on the reps.

    For me, I want to see a bridge over TCP/IP-Ethernet. That has been discussed here a couple of times. A link between two systems can be made using the internet, WiFi, or any other medium that can work with Ethernet.

    I would like to see the price come down significantly so that more people are open to installing it. Halve the price, triple the installs.
    znelbok, Feb 10, 2016
  4. Nobes

    NickD Moderator

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Hi Guys,

    I work for =S=, and I started back when we were still "CIS", 11ish years ago now.

    TBH this was a bit of a "finally!" moment for us too, and I can assure you that it has been backed up by action.

    I can tell you that we have a team of our 3 most experienced electronic/firmware engineers (including me) allocated 100% for the foreseeable future to working a roadmap which includes a significant investment in the future of C-Bus, but unfortunately there's not much more I can tell you than that.

    NickD, Feb 11, 2016
  5. Nobes

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Official Responce

    The short answer is NO C-Bus is not in maintenance mode.

    Schneider Electric (SE) Partner business is the responsible business that continues the investment into C-Bus and many other offers provided by the Clipsal by Schneider Electric business in Australia.

    Schneider Electric continues the investment in C-Bus to both maintain and grow C-Bus and build upon its strengths. The Primary focus on this investment is to build the position to greater strengths within the Australian/NZ Market. That was the basic message given at the last Systems Integrator conference in 2015.

    The major releases of new products of recent times have been the eDLT, and Saturn Zen ranges, Wiser II and soon Schedule Plus 5. All of these projects were long and drawn out developments that constituted an investment from SE of many Millions of dollars into the C-Bus Offer. Now these products are either on (or shortly to be released to) the market, SE is working on the next range of products and solutions for C-Bus. The planning for all future projects will ensure more frequently released new products and updates to the market whilst avoiding the 'long time between drinks' scenario that is being portrayed by this post.

    Over 2014 ? 2015, SE and Clipsal have worked with and interviewed many installers across Australia and NZ, in a effort to understand the needs / wants and nice to haves. Providing support both for solution and services the installers are providing, a roadmap and strategy for C-Bus has been developed. This roadmap will remain in commercial confidence for obvious reasons, but be assured investment and development in C-Bus is underway, and the future remains very exciting for C-Bus.

    The SE business is responding to reports of issues and requests for improvement with C-Bus product with the most recent updates being, Wiser II Mobile applications, and eDLT items will also be addressed.

    The only sure way to guarantee C-Bus will enter 'maintenance mode', is if you the loyal installer and supporter of C-Bus lose faith and stop demanding and selling our product. I hope you have faith that SE continue to invest in C-Bus. We continue to listen to you and your requests and issues and continue to respond to the best of our abilities.

    We will continue to roll out new and better solutions for C-Bus more frequently, to enable greater opportunity for your business to deliver.
    Colin, Feb 11, 2016
  6. Nobes


    Aug 3, 2004
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    I can understand that divulging the road-map may not what the company wants, but to be honest, knowing the road-map, to me at least, just keeps me more interested.

    The caveat that it is a road map and not all products are guaranteed obviously exists, but some do not understand that often and think its gospel.
    znelbok, Feb 11, 2016
  7. Nobes


    Jun 13, 2015
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    CBus in the USA?

    I am glad to hear from the ?official? channel that CBus product enhancement and development continues for the targeted Australian/NZ market. CBus is a great product line, and I hope it continues for many years into the future. Unfortunately, I am not located in the Australian/NZ market, but in the USA. The USA is where Schneider recently decided to abandon its efforts to sell CBus products in the future. Thus, CBus is no longer sold or supported throughout the USA. Distribution channels have already evaporated. Schneider sales reps can?t even spell ?CBus? any more.

    My hope is that if Schneider is, indeed, continuing the development of CBus products for the Australian/NZ market ? which was stated in this thread ? then possibly Schneider will rethink its position on the USA market. The USA must be the largest single market in the world for these automated lighting products, so why not sell here? Schneider already has the full set of the needed 120-volt versions of the CBus products ? those were sold by SquareD in the USA for many years ? so why not manufacture and sell these 120-volt products also? The incremental margins on these products must be a large financial opportunity.

    My hope is that someone reading this thread can reveal some glint of information about what Schneider plans to do with this USA market in the future. Do they plan to re-enter this market at some point? Is this even a possibility? I know first-hand that the CBus product designs and technology are great (I have a large installation), so possibly the sales strategy in the USA was not well executed and that is why Schneider decided to pull out of the USA? Can't a better sales strategy be devised and implemented in the USA? Can't Schneider tap this large and profitable USA market and make a success of it?

    I have talked with many other CBus users in the USA, and virtually all are longing for the return of CBus to our market, for the renewed availability of both old and new CBus products via USA distribution channels, and for the expansion of the installed base and enhancement of the installation and maintenance expertise here.
    LynnT, Feb 12, 2016
  8. Nobes

    Colin Moderator

    Aug 3, 2004
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    C-Bus USA


    Thanks for your comments with regard to the position of C-Bus in the USA.

    True Schneider Electric made a decision to close the Light and Room control arm in the USA, I would love to say I know why, But I don't.

    Unfortunately C-Bus was caught up with this closure and that was most unfortunate for C-Bus and its customers in the USA and surrounding countries.

    However I am hoping to offer a glimmer of hope, but no guarantee as yet that C-Bus will still be made available to the USA.

    The process of setting up supply and agents, as well as keeping alive the existing 120V and 277V products is taking a very long time, but we are getting closer to what could look like success. I don't want to say more than this as details and the promise of its return will only be given when we have succeeded. Until then nothing is certain.

    I will be sure to share on this forum more details of the USA effort.
    Colin, Feb 17, 2016
  9. Nobes


    Aug 6, 2010
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    I heard the same report 5years ago. Then they announced the wiser2 and there was high hopes it was going to meet market technology advances. Then released a long 3years later, still no leap into the 21century. Where is the HomeKit, voice control and IFTTT integration to add door locks etc
    71monaro, Feb 18, 2016
  10. Nobes

    Charlie Crackle

    Aug 3, 2004
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    Can you please spend some time fixing existing bugs

    If it is not dead could you please spend some time fixing the existing bugs Like the C-Bus Audio Door Bell .. Please :) we were told it was being worked on but still years later still not fixed.

    Charlie Crackle, Feb 25, 2016
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