Hi, I'm trying to decide how to integrate LED strip lighting into our kitchen. I already have a working system with 2x8 channel dimmers and 1x12 channel relay module. I've just discovered DMX technology, and am thinking it might be a way to go. These are the three components that I think should allow me to drive and dim strip lighting mounted under cabinets: [LIST] [*][URL="http://www2.clipsal.com/cis/technical/product_groups/cbus/system_units_and_accessories/dmx_gateway"]DMX Gateway[/URL] [*][URL="http://ledcentral.com.au/online-store/led-strip-lights"]LED Strip[/URL] [*][URL="http://www.coolon.com.au/architectural-dmx-mini"]Mini DMX Driver[/URL] [/LIST] Does that combination look sensible? I haven't priced the DMX driver yet but it looks ok. I trust that connecting only one of the R, G or B outputs to the white LED strip will work. Chris.