Light Level Sensor

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Ben K, May 30, 2011.

  1. Ben K

    Ben K

    Nov 15, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Hi I'm having problems with a few jobs that I have installed Light level sensors in, I'm sure its just a small thing I'm missing, but I can't find it.

    Basically the margin function isn't doing anything for me, see below the log and sensor programming;



    I've ramped the margin way up in a desperate attempt to fix this, but its still no good.
    Can any one see what I'm doing wrong?
    Ben K, May 30, 2011
  2. Ben K


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    First thing to do is see what light levels the sensor is getting when the pool light is turned on and when it's turned off. To do this, assign the Light On/Off group to unused and manually turn on the Pool Lights 1 group. Watch the light level reading in the LL Sensor UI and see what reading you get. Then, turn the light off and note the new reading. Lastly, when the ambient light level has reached the point where you want the sensor to turn on, open the LL Sensor UI up and note the reading again. Armed with these bits of information you can set an appropriate target and margin value. Without these bits of information you'll just be playing guess-work.

    The differences in the reading may be so extreme that the margin parameter isn't able to deal with the large magnitude of the change. If this is the case you may need to relocate or shield the light level sensor from the light source.
    Newman, May 30, 2011
  3. Ben K

    Ben K

    Nov 15, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Thanks very much for this Newman.

    I will give this try.
    Ben K, Jun 1, 2011
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