Hi, I have successfully joined 2 networks with a bridge and the other network address is set to 253. I am telneting to my localhost on port 20025 and capturing that data. Sometimes I get responses like this: lighting on //PROJECTNAME/254/56/11 #sourceunit=-1 OID=d7598890-ee22-1031-9ab1-b6d64b0e57c5 lighting on //PROJECTNAME/253/56/28 #sourceunit=-1 OID=152e38d0-ee2a-1031-aa81-b6d64b0e57c5 I understand the sections of are //PROJECTNAME/NetworkID/ApplicationID/unknownID is it group or some other unitID? Also no sure why I get sourceunit=-1, I do get other responses that are unitIDs that line up with motion detectors?