Hi Darren [I]if GetUnitParamStatus("node0", 151, ptTemperature) then[/I] [I]begin[/I] [I]Kitchentemp:= GetUnitParameter("node0", 151, ptTemperature);[/I] [I]KitchenSetpoint:= GetRealSystemIO("KSP") ;[/I] [I]TempHys:= GetRealSystemIO("Temperature Hys");[/I] [I]if KitchenTemp < KitchenSetpoint + TempHys then[/I] [I]begin[/I] [I]SetLightingLevel("CH Boiler", "CH Boiler On", "0s");;[/I] [I]end;[/I] What is the easiest way to change Kitchentemp and KitchenSetpoint which are both "real" into "integers" so I can place the values in SetLightingLevel("KitchenTempCBUS", New Interger value, "0s"); Although I can do the Math for the heating in the colour touch I would like to pass the value across to another Homegate unit I can do stringtointeger but havent found Realtointeger thanks in advance Mike