Hello again everyone.... We are working on a design for a client who wants to set up his show room like an art gallery. He is intending to place 1 LV every 1000mm and hang a 600mm display board in the middle of the LV and group 4 LVs (4 displays) to 1 Dimmer channel. On normal mode all LVs would be on around 30 - 50% brightness until a customer walks into the sensor zone at which time the 4 LVs controlled by the multisensor will ramp up to 100%. As the customer has approx 40 LVs he is willing to purchase 10 multisensors, but I am unsure if we can contain the sensors to the 4 mtr range of the 4 LVs. Can anyone confirm if the multisensor's range can be contained to a certain area? Also does any one have a better way of approaching this scenario? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.