Neo Scene problems

Discussion in 'C-Bus Wired Hardware' started by Rolecgroup, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
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    I'm having a problem with Neo Scenes not ramping as programmed.

    I have a 4 channel Neo with Scene 1, ramping 4 channels of lighting over 12 seconds to around 20%, Scene 2 Ramps same lights to 80%.

    The problem i have is that if the lights have previously been controlled via a CTouch the ramp rate is ignored, i.e. lights up and down instantly.

    If i press scene 2, and then scene 1, i get the expected 12 second ramp. If i control lights via C Touch, and then Scene 2, i get the same zero ramp time.

    As my Scene 1 is tied into a Movie intro/AMP/Plasma change within my Living Room via a Touch Screen - no Ramp looks really cr*p.

    Looking for suggestions as to 1. Why it is occuring, and 2. How do i fix it...

    I've got a big family gathering this Weekend, and everyone is looking forward to the 'feature presentation' - just gotta get the 'house lights going down' bit to work right !!!

    Any help appreciated.

    Rolecgroup, Mar 31, 2005
  2. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Adelaide, South Australia
    2nd Trigger?


    I assume that you have the Scenes stored in the Neo unit and you're remotely triggering them from the C-Touch.

    Check that you're not triggering the Scene twice before the groups have reached their target levels.

    When you trigger a Scene that has ramping of the groups in the Scene everthing works fine. If you trigger the Scene a second time (whilst the groups are still ramping), by either pressing the key on the unit a second time or remotely triggering the Scene a second time, all groups in the Scene will be instantly set to their target levels. This is a property of all C-Bus devices capable of Scenes.
    Newman, Apr 1, 2005
  3. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
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    Hi Newman,

    No, i am triggering NEO scenes via an IR controller, but also have a selection of alternate scenes which are controlled via a CTouch.

    Any control of the lights via the CTouch either scenes or sliders, followed by control via the NEO means that the stored 12sec ramp within the NEO scene is ignored.

    It would seem any action from the NEO followed by the Scene allows the ramp to be actioned.

    This looks like a possible problem, and would be interested in anyone else is using scenes with a Neo and another switch to control same lights if they have the problem.

    I have now bodged a fix for the moment where i send a push command to the NEO's 4th channel which is controlling an unused Relay output. This allows me to send an IR Macro to trigger button 4 then button 1 which activates the scene properly.

    Rolecgroup, Apr 1, 2005
  4. Rolecgroup


    Aug 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Adelaide, South Australia

    Can you please send me a copy of your C-Bus project and your C-Touch project. I'd like to have a look at how you've got them programmed. I've PM'd you my details.

    Can you confirm that you get EXACTLY the same behaviour when you press the buttons on the Neo as when the IR Controller is used? It's quite possible that the IR Code being transmitted by the IR controller to the Neo is being treated as multiple key presses.

    The alternate Scenes are stored in the C-Touch?

    Go through everything and make sure that the Scenes stored in the Neo and the C-Touch are all using the same Trigger Group but ensure that each Scene is using a unique Action Selector.
    Newman, Apr 4, 2005
  5. Rolecgroup


    Aug 4, 2004
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    Townsville, Australia
    a scene key will send a series of commands in the primary (lighting) application, plus a command in the control application informing all units on the network of the currently active action selectors in each trigger group. Receiving a command in the control application setting an action selector in a trigger group that match a scene a unit can represent will select the scene and add any additional commands this unit can send for that scene.

    A scene will remain active as long as the controlled groups remain at the same levels AND the action selector in the trigger group is not changed. In NEO units, Levels of groups on the network which do not exist in the unit are not compared, even if they are controlled by the scene.

    If a scene key is pressed when the selected scene is already active, all ramps in the scene will be reduced to zero.

    I suspect that what has happened, is that the NEO has been used to select a scene, and the ramp would have worked the first time. The C-Touch then issued a new scene but without a matching trigger group, so the NEO still assumed that the scene was active. Pressing the scene key on NEO again would do what you see. The solution, if this is the case, it to set the trigger group in the C-Touch to the same value as is used in the NEO, but use a different action selector so the NEO will see that it is selecting a new scene.

    Don, Apr 4, 2005
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